Hello all, I have performed PCA on stacked wind vector data for 20 different spatial locations. In this case I therefore am in effect working out a PCA for 40 different stations (2 paired pieces of information [ie u and v vector information] for each station), so have 40 PCs. In my previous PCA (for none vector data) i have plotted the PC loadings onto a map of the area of concern, and would like to represent the results of this PCA in a similar way. My previous code looks like this: east<-sort(unique(alt$east)) north<-sort(unique(alt$north)) map.matrix<-matrix(alt$Alt,nrow=length(north),byrow=TRUE) site.data<-read.table("siteinfo.dat",header=TRUE) ts.data<-read.table("met.dat",header=TRUE) library(mva) met.pca<-prcomp(ts.data,retx=FALSE,scale=TRUE,center=TRUE) scale<-2 for(i in 1:4){ image(east,north,t(map.matrix),col=terrain.colors(50),axes=TRUE, xlab="",ylab="") text(site.data$east,site.data$north,labels=as.character(site.data$site)) pc<-met.pca$rotation[,i] pc.pos<-(pc>0) if(any(pc.pos)){ symbols(site.data$east[pc.pos],site.data$north[pc.pos], circles=scale*pc[pc.pos],lwd=2,fg="red",inches=FALSE,add=TRUE)} if(any(!pc.pos)){ symbols(site.data$east[!pc.pos],site.data$north[!pc.pos], circles=-scale*pc[!pc.pos],lwd=2,fg="blue",inches=FALSE,add=TRUE)} box() } My problem is, how can i adjust this code so that I get a pair of loadings at each site? I've been having real problems trying to sort the subscripting out, as i need to be able to recognise the PC loadings as pairs, (so have made a further u and v subscript to each station name before the analysis) but then I they aren't in the same format as needed to plot onto the map. I guess there is probably a very obvious way around this and would be extremely grateful if anyone could help me out! Also, it occurs to me that another way of representing this information is by using the arrows() function to add a vector to the map - but again this relies on my subscripting problem TIA, Laura Laura Quinn Institute of Atmospheric Science School of the Environment University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT tel: +44 113 343 1596 fax: +44 113 343 6716 mail: laura at env.leeds.ac.uk