C?dric Finet wrote:> > I thank you for your answer but I do not understand yet why the Fisher?s exact > test does not work. And why is a "negative key". > > C?dric Finet >Running the original TOMS643 fortran code (R uses an f2c translation of this) says: FEXACT ERROR: 30 Stack length exceeded in f3xact. This problem should not occur. The integer hash key is bigger than the largest allowable integer, and so appears as a negative number. Table is too big. | David Duffy (MBBS PhD) ,-_|\ | email: davidD at qimr.edu.au ph: INT+61+7+3362-0217 fax: -0101 / * | Epidemiology Unit, Queensland Institute of Medical Research \_,-._/ | 300 Herston Rd, Brisbane, Queensland 4029, Australia GPG 4D0B994A v
I presume I am not alone in receiving return-to-sender mailings provoked by a well known virus eg r-core at isem.univ-montp2.fr (reason: 550 <r-core at isem.univ-montp2.fr>... User unknown) torsten.hothorn at isem.univ-montp2.fr (reason: 550 <torsten.hothorn at isem.univ-montp2.fr>... User unknown) bcaffo at isem.univ-montp2.fr (reason: 550 <bcaffo at isem.univ-montp2.fr>... User unknown) fharrell at isem.univ-montp2.fr (reason: 550 <fharrell at isem.univ-montp2.fr>... User unknown) r.hankin at isem.univ-montp2.fr (reason: 550 <r.hankin at isem.univ-montp2.fr>... User unknown) therneau at isem.univ-montp2.fr (reason: 550 <therneau at isem.univ-montp2.fr>... User unknown) bill.venables at isem.univ-montp2.fr (reason: 550 <bill.venables at isem.univ-montp2.fr>... User unknown) If one has not recently virus-checked one's computer recently, it might be a good idea. I *of course* run linux, so it can't be me ;)