by() will sort on the levels of `class', so I think what you need to do is
ensure that `class' has its levels sorted numerically. Try
df$class <- factor(as.numeric(as.character(df$class)))
to do that. Then to sort the df by numerical class you could use
df <- df[sort.list(unclass(df$class)), ]
It might be easier just to make class a number for some purposes at
least (just omit the factor() above).
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Scott Norton wrote:
> I have a dataframe such that when I enter the dataframe name at the R
> and see the data, the order of the data is correct (ie. what I want -
> ordered numerically by the factor, class). The table is akin to the
> following:
> df: (dataframe = df)
> uniqueID class age
> a 1 32
> b 1 21
> c 1 13
> d 1 11
> e 3 15
> f 3 16
> g 3 31
> h 3 25
> i 4 23
> j 4 32
> k 4 31
> l 7 11
> m 7 6
> n 7 20
> o 10 19
> p 10 25
> q 10 42
> .
> .
> .
> uniqueID and class are factors. Yesterday I think I managed to figure out
> how to arrange the column "class" in "numerical" order
(when it lists) even
> though it's a "character" factor. (although feel free to
pipe in an answer
> on that too - since I was trying a lot of different things!)
> Now, when I execute the following command:
> barplot(by(df[,"age"],df$class,FUN=function(x) quantile(x,0.95)))
> the x-labels or "class" of each bar is in *character* order, not
> order.
> Is there a way to rearrage this so that each bar label (categorical
> is in numerical order?
> Thanks in advance!!!
> Best,
> Scott
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
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