useRs, Don't know if this requires a bug report, but using the read.spss function on files written by the new SPSS 12.0 produces the following warning message: Warning message: C:\data\spss.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 13 encountered in system file. The data files appear to be read correctly. The warning likely results from changes to the file format due to SPSS increasing the size of variable names from 8 characters to 64. Harold Baize Butte County Department of Behavioral Health
As a follow up to my last posting. The read.spss function returns variable names truncated to eight characters when reading a SPSS 12.0 sav file with long variable names. The read.spss function adds ".A", ".B", etc. to each additional variable with the same first eight characters in the name. A viable solution, but keeping the full name would be a nice improvement for an updated function. IMHO. Harold Baize Butte County Department of Behavioral Health