Dear all can anybady tell me how to seperate R's input and output screen?I mean just like SAS or some others, the commands does not mixed with results. thank you
I use this template for all my script files: { # start source code group (for pretty echoing) # put your code in here } # end source code group If you have echo on, this makes all the code appear first in the {} group, then all the output. With echo off, the code is not echoed at all, and can be written directly to an "output file" using sink. I suggest you check out ?source (see in particular the arguments echo and max.deparse.length) and ?sink.> -----Original Message----- > From: Yong Wang [mailto:wang at] > Sent: 11 October 2003 19:35 > To: r-help at > Subject: [R] how to seperate R's input and output screen? > > > Security Warning: > If you are not sure an attachment is safe to open please contact > Andy on x234. There are 0 attachments with this message. > ________________________________________________________________ > > Dear all > can anybady tell me how to seperate R's input and output screen?I mean > just like SAS or some others, the commands does not mixed > with results. > thank you > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list > >Simon Fear Senior Statistician Syne qua non Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1379 644449 Fax: +44 (0) 1379 644445 email: Simon.Fear at web: Number of attachments included with this message: 0 This message (and any associated files) is confidential and\...{{dropped}}
Dear Yong Wang, At 01:35 PM 10/11/2003 -0500, Yong Wang wrote:>Dear all >can anybady tell me how to seperate R's input and output screen?I mean >just like SAS or some others, the commands does not mixed with results. >thank youYou can create a split screen of this sort with the Emacs or Xemacs editor along with the ESS package (although the commands will appear interspersed with the output as well as in an editor window -- which seems desirable). See <> for information on ESS. I have some information for Windows users at <>. You could also use an independent editor for commands, such as WinEdt under Windows (see the section on editing support in <>). I hope that this helps, John ----------------------------------------------------- John Fox Department of Sociology McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4 email: jfox at phone: 905-525-9140x23604 web: