Dear Rajarshi,
I don't have the book to which Frank Harrell refers in the documentation
for the vif function in the Design package, but looking at the code for the
function, I believe that there's an error:
vif <-
function (fit)
v <- Varcov(fit, regcoef.only = TRUE)
nam <- dimnames(v)[[1]]
ns <- num.intercepts(fit)
# v <- solve(v)
if (ns > 0) {
v <- v[-(1:ns), -(1:ns), drop = FALSE]
nam <- nam[-(1:ns)]
d <- diag(v)^0.5
v <- diag(solve(v/(d %o% d)))
names(v) <- nam
If you remove the line that I've commented-out, the function will, I
believe, return the usual results.
I imagine that Frank can comment on this more definitively.
I hope that this helps,
At 05:07 PM 10/6/2003 -0400, Rajarshi Guha wrote:>Hi,
> I've been generating linear models with lm(). I wanted to look at the
>VIF's for the coefficient. Using the vif() function from the package
>Design, I would get unusually high VIF's.
>However using vif() from the car package I get more reasonable values
>(ie in line with the quality of the model).
>What is the difference between the two vif functions? (I dont have
>access to the reference in the Design's vif() help page)
>Rajarshi Guha <rxg218 at> <>
John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
email: jfox at
phone: 905-525-9140x23604