The following works is tuned for S-Plus 6.1, but these tools can be used
to produce what I hear in your question:
par(mar=c(5,7,4,7)+.1)# create space for 2 axes on each side
plot(0:1, 0:1, type="l", ylab="y1")
axis(side=2, at=(1:2)/3, labels=(1:2)/3, line=4)
mtext(text="y2", side=2, line=6.5)
axis(side=4, at=(1:3)/4, labels=2^(1:3))
mtext(text="y3", side=4, line=1.5)
axis(side=4, at=(1:4)/5, labels=letters[1:4], line=3.5)
mtext(text="y4", side=4, line=5)
hope this helps. spencer graves
solares at wrote:> Hi,
> I am trying to plot a time serie of six colum of data sets on one plot but
> with using a different y-axis ranges for each - preferably with one shown
> on each side of the graph. I'm trying with axis function but not good
> i will for each they plot with our proper scale and range for example
> time A B C...etc
> 08:00:01 1000 15 2
> 08:00:02 2200 17 5
> 08:00:03 2500 19 7
> ...plot.ts(..);axis(what parameter?)
> How i'cant plot six axis with your proper scale and range?
> thanks. Ruben
> Is there a function that will allow me to do this
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