On 25 Jul 2003 at 16:24, Emma Tan wrote:
> Hi,
> In glmmPQL in the MASS library, the function uses
> repeated calls to the function lme(), using ML. Does
> anyone know how you can change this to REML? I know
> that in lme(), the default is actually set to REML and
> you can also specify this as 'method=REML' or
> 'method'ML' but this isn't applicable to glmmPQL().
R (and MASS) is free software, you have the source. glmmPQL
contains the line
mcall$method <- "ML"
change that as appropiate. Since glmmPQL is in a namespace,
it might be neccesary to rename your changed function, or maybe use
fixInNamespace(). I don't know enough about namespaces, others will
know more about this last part. Renaming is maybe safest.
Why do you want to use REML with glmmPQL?
Kjetil Halvorsen
> I'd appreciate any help or advice!
> Thanks,
> Emma
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