Displaying 20 results from an estimated 51 matches for "mcall".
Did you mean:
2008 Aug 18
"nested" getInitial calls; variable scoping problems
...d getInitial calls, but it doesn't seem helpful, and I certainly
couldn't trust my understanding of it.
I'm considering making up the matched call and calling the 'initial'
function of ssA directly, in the same manner as getInitial.selfStart
attr(ssA, "initial"))(mCall = mCall, data = data, LHS = LHS)
or perhaps if I call getInitial thus...
getInitial(ssA, data, mCall, LHS = NULL, ...)
it will call getInitial.selfStart without calling getInitial.formula.
In that case perhaps eval(... parent.frame()) will find the argument?
Or, at least I could attach the arg...
2005 Sep 07
summary of problem with mCall function.
Last week I posted a question concerning the mCall function, which is
used to create self-starting functions and is described in the book by
Pinheiro, J.C. and Bates, D.M. (Mixed-effects models in S and S-PLUS).
On page 345 one finds the following call:
xy<-sortedXyData(mCall[["x"]], LHS,data)
It is necessary to replace the &qu...
2012 Mar 06
[LLVMdev] Performance degradation when repeatedly exchanging JITted functions
Another drawback is that the memory of old function memory can never be
freed, since it is still used in the jump chain.
To measure the performance impact of this, I wrote a small example
program, where each second the function is recompiled and the number of
method calls is printed (Mcalls = million calls). The performance
degradation is quite impressive:
After 0 replacements: 335.724 Mcalls/sec
After 1 replacements: 274.735 Mcalls/sec ( 82.010% of initial)
After 2 replacements: 232.640 Mcalls/sec ( 69.445% of initial)
After 3 replacements: 201.898 Mcalls/sec (...
2006 May 24
...# differents growth function
vonBert<- function(x, Linf, K, t0)
size ~ vonBert(age, Linf, K,t0)
vonBert <-deriv(~ Linf*(1-exp(-K*(x-t0))),
vonBertInit <- function(mCall, LHS, data)
xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["x"]], LHS, data)
Linf <- 900
if (Linf != max(xy[,"y"])) Linf <- -Linf
K <- 0.3
value <- c(Linf, K, t0)
names(value) <- mCall[c("Linf", "K","t0")]
2008 Aug 04
Unexpected nls behaviour: Solved
Hi Everyone,
I'd omitted the non-optional 'parameters' argument to selfStart. Making this
change to SSbatch gives the same (successful) result from the two calls to
model=function(Batch, Coeffs)
,initial=function(mCall, data, LHS)
# Estimate coefficients as mean of each batch
xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["Batch"]], LHS, data)
Batch <- data[[as.character(mCall[["Batch"]])]]
# check Batch is successive integers starting at 1
if ((min(xy$x) !=1) | (any(diff(xy$x)!=1))) stop(
2000 Jul 24
How to use groupedData() within a function?
Dear Group:
I have been trying to write an R function within which the function
groupedData() would be used.
The following is a sample program:
test1.fun<- function(dat=dat)
groupedData(time ~ trt|sid, data=dat)
2005 Sep 01
making self-starting function for nls
Error in tapply(y, x, mean, na.rm = TRUE) :
arguments must have same length
Since I do not explicitly call tapply in my function that makes
NRhyperbola a self-starting function (called NRhyperbolaInit, see
below), I assume that the error is coming from within the mCall function
but I can't figure out where or how.
Would someone who has successfully done this be willing to look at my
code and see where the problem arises?
> NRhyperbolaInit
2009 Nov 12
writing selfStart models that can deal with treatment effects
...ype treatments using selfStart models
Following Ritz and Streibig (2009), I wrote the following routines:
expDecayAndConstantInflowModel <- function(Tb0, time, aL, aN, T0){
exp(-time*aL)*(T0*aL+(-1+exp(time * aL))*Tb0 * aN)/aL
expDecayAndConstantInflowModelInit <- function(mCall, LHS, data){
print(paste("SelfStart mCall:", mCall));
xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["time"]], LHS, data);
lmFit <- lm(log(xy[, "y"]) ~ xy[, "x"]);
coefs <- coef(lmFit);
T0 &l...
2008 Aug 29
nls() fails on a simple exponential fit, when lm() gets it right?
logarithmicInit=function(mCall,LHS,data) {
aaa=0.01 #Just guess aaa=0.01 to start the fit
bbb=min(xy$y) #Use the minimum y value as an initial guess for bbb
2002 Jul 19
selfStart function problem
...ot;, but I have not found
how to get the program handle it correctly. Has someone any idea? I am using R1.5.1
on Windows NT.
My code is
> dhexp <- deriv(~ a*exp(b*(D+5.8)^(-c)), c("a","b","c"), function(D,a,b,c) {} )
> dhexpInit <- function(mCall, LHS, data) {
+ equation <- paste('log(',LHS,') ~ I((',mCall[["D"]],'+5.8)^-1.0)')
+ print(equation)
+ linear <- lm(as.formula(equation),data=data)
+ value <- c(exp(coef(linear)[1]), coef(linear)[2], 1.0)
+ names(value) <- mCall[c(&q...
2007 Apr 20
nlme trouble
...you will recreate what I did. If you think that the data is at
fault and want to see it, I can provide it. Also, under the code is the
errors that I get when I run the nlsList function.
Also, can nlme handle more than one independent at a time?
And I was wondering what the "model=as.character(mCall[[1]])" line in the
code did. Removing it does not seem to change the error that I receive.
My OS is WinXP.
Thank You in advance,
###########List of the code that I modified with comments##########
BiLinInit0= function(mCall,LHS,data)
2005 Oct 26
self starting function for nonlinear least squares.
...# Am is the maximum gross photosynthetic rate
# Rd is the dark resiration rate (positive value)
# theta is the shape parameter
# alpha is the initial quantum yeild
(alpha*Irr + Am - sqrt((alpha*Irr + Am)^2 -4*alpha*theta*Am*Irr))- Rd
function (mCall, LHS, data)
xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["Irr"]], LHS, data)
if (nrow(xy) < 3)
stop("Too few unique irradiance values")
fit <- smooth.spline(xy[, "x"], xy[, "y"])
alpha <- predict(fit, x = 0, deriv = 1)$y
2008 Sep 26
The 'data' argument and scoping in nls
...use? Can
someone point me in the right direction?
I'm using nls to fit models where some non-optimised parameters are
different lengths from the data, often matrices, something like this ...
SSfunc <- selfStart(
model = function(x, Coeff, A)
initial = function(mCall, data, LHS)
parameters = c("Coeff")
y <- ...
x <-...
A <- ...
nls(y ~ SSfunc(x, Coeff, A), data=...)
... where A may be a matrix. This means that A cannot be stored in a
data.frame with y and x, so I can't use (for exampl...
2012 Sep 09
Sum of column from another df based of row values of df1
Dear All,
I need to sum a column from another dataframe based on the row values
of one dataframe. I am stuck in a loop trying to accomplish it and at
current speed it will take more than 80 hours to complete. Needless to
say I am looking for a more elegant/quicker solution. Really need some
help here. Here is the issue:
I have a dataframe CALL (the dput of head is given below) which has
close to
2010 Apr 15
nlsList {nlme} - control arguments problem
...irng an nlsList fit. He suggested using optim to optimize
the parameters prior to each fit. This worked well for me as I had a customized
selfStart function that then optimized the parameters for each individual
if you rewrote your selfStart function as:
powrDpltInit <-
function(mCall, LHS, data) {
xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["x"]],LHS,data)
min.s <- min(y)
dif.s <- max(y)-min(y)
dplt.s <- 0.5
p.s <- -.20
value <- c(min.s, dplt.s, dif.s, p.s)
#function to optimize
func1 <- function(value) {
min.s <- value[1]...
2004 Apr 24
Moving window regressions - how can I improve this code?
I wrote a function which does "moving window" regressions. E.g. if
there are 100 observations and the window width is 50, then I first
run the regression for observations 1..50, then for 2..51, and so on.
I am extremely pleased with R in my experience with writing this,
since I was able to pass the model as an argument into the function
:-) Forgive me if I sound naive, but that's
2008 Aug 01
Unexpected nls behaviour
...should be exactly
> nls(Aform, DF)
> nls(Aform, DF, start=getInitial(Aform, DF))
but in this example that is not the case in R (although it is in S-plus
model=function(Batch, Coeffs)
,initial=function(mCall, data, LHS)
# Estimate coefficients as mean of each batch
xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["Batch"]], LHS, data)
Batch <- data[[as.character(mCall[["Batch"]])]]
# check Batch is successive integers starting at 1
if ((min(xy$x) !=1) | (any(diff(xy$x)!=1))) stop(
2004 Oct 30
Destructive str(...)?
unsupported (objects consisting just of an external reference), but
still I'm curious as of why this happens. I create (in C code)
EXTPTRSXP and associate a class to it via SET_CLASS. Such objects works
fine until it's passed to str as the following output demonstrates:
> c<-.MCall("RController","getRController")
> c
[1] "<RController: 0x3be5d0>"
> str(c)
Class 'ObjCid' length 1 <pointer: 0x3be5d0>
> c
<pointer: 0x3be5d0>
> str(c)
length 1 <pointer: 0x3be5d0>
The .MCall basically produces an extern...
2009 Sep 21
How to use nls when [selfStart] function returns NA or Inf??
Error in qr.default(.swts * attr(rhs, "gradient")) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
A toy example demonstrating my problem (legal values of param are >1):
model=function(x, param) x^log(param-1),
initial = function(mCall, data, LHS){
val<- 1.001
names(val) <- mCall[c("param")]
nls(y~SSexample(x, par), data=data.frame(x=1:10,y=rnorm(10)))
(repeat the last line a few times and you'll get the error).
I can't se...
2009 Oct 17
custom selfStart model works with getInitial but not nls
...ppreciate it.
## Nonlinear model I want to fit to the data
const.PBMC.tcell.model <- function(B0, t, aL, aN, T0){
Tb0 = B0;
x = exp(-log(aL) + log(T0*aL+(-1+exp(t * aL))*Tb0 * aN) - t * aL);
##Define selfStart routine
const.PBMC.tcell.selfStart<- function(mCall, LHS, data){
t0 = 0;
t1 = 24;
t2 = 48;
##Get B0 Value
B0 = data[1, "B0"];
T0 = mean(data[data$Time==t0, "Count"]);
T1 = mean(data[data$Time==t1, "Count"]);
T2 = mean(data[data$Time==t2, "Count"]);
if(T0 < T2){ ##increase --...