2003-Jul-21 10:17 UTC
[R] correlated residuals in gls: Coefficient matrix not invertible
Dear Rers, I have threes series, x, y, z and I want to fit a model z ~ x + y. First of all, I fit a lm. I found the residuals are correlated, by looking at the acf() and pacf(). Then I tried to fit a gls model allowing residuals to be correlated (correlation = corARMA(p=5, q=1)): <-[complete.cases(y),]) y.gls <- gls(z ~ x + y, data =, correlation=corARMA(p=5, q=1)) It gave this error message: Error in "coef<-.corARMA"(*tmp*, value = c(188.077895742055, 180.123242661068, : Coefficient matrix not invertible I tried the gls allowing residuals following AR(1): y.gls <- gls(z ~ x + y, data =, correlation=corAR1()) and it works. Actually I found in the correlation structure, as long as I set the p larger than 1 (ARMA(2, 1) OR ARMA(3,1)), I will have the error message saying "Coefficient matrix not invertible". But if I only set q (ARMA(0,2), ARMA(0,3)), it is working all right. I did the above on some other data and had similar error messages: Error in "coef<-.corARMA"(*tmp*, value = c(123.027732874371, 114.73028258271, : Coefficient matrix not invertible Could anybody give me some hint or point me a direction? Thanks a lot. Huan Huang This message and any attachments (the "message") is\ intende...{{dropped}}