Hi all, I have to call R from PHP code. I manage to run R and to make it parse my script (see below) but I have an error which I cannot cope with yet while running the PHP page: Error in file("/home/faisnel/Rscripts/testphp2.Rout", open = "wt") : unable to open connection In addition: Warning message: cannot open file `/home/faisnel/Rscripts/testphp2.Rout' Execution halted I am not sure about the "open" option I used (see R script). Does anyone have an idea about why the connection/file cannot be opened ? I checked I had the rights on the directory. I give you my PHP main file and my R script below. Thanks in advance for any help. Laurent _ PHP :_ <?php class Essai { var $RPath; // path to R executable var $sortie; // display function Essai() { $this->RPath = "/usr/lib/R/bin/R"; $this->sortie = $this->calcul(); } function calcul() { $cmd = <<<EOD echo 'source("commande.R")' | $this->RPath --slave EOD; echo "\n"; echo $cmd."\n"; $result = shell_exec($cmd); echo($result); return ($result); } } $essai = new Essai(); ?> <table border='2' cellpadding='5'> <tr> <th align='right'> ESSAI : </th> <td> ... </td> <td> <?php echo($essai->sortie); ?> </td> </tr> </table> _R script :_ (commande.R) zz <- file("/home/faisnel/Rscripts/testphp2.Rout", open="wt"); sink(zz); library(RMySQL); con2 <- dbConnect("MySQL"); result <- dbGetQuery(con2,"select URL from isp_info"); dbListTables(con2); result; dbDisconnect(con2); sink();