On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 01:08:43AM -0500, Ryan T. Moore
wrote:> Two questions:
> 1. I have a data frame named "data1" that includes the variable
> "old". I want to create a sequence of new variables in the data
> called "old.1", "old.2", ... . I've tried a few
"paste" commands, and
> creating a new data frame of the new variables, all to no avail. Any
> advice?
I'd just make a dummy column in the loop, then re-write the column
name mid-loop. e.g.
foo <- data.frame(old = sample(5,100,replace=TRUE)) #generate some data
for(ii in 1:5) {
foo$zz <- vector(mode="logical",length=length(foo$old))
names(foo)[ii + 1] <- paste(sep="","old.",ii) #nb -
offset 1; yours
#will probably vary
> 2. If I have a variable in a data frame, is there quick bit of code
> that creates a dummy variable for each level of that variable?
Depends what you mean by "quick" ... ;). I'm sure Thomas Lumley
blast out a one-liner with reshape() that does exactly what you need,
but I'm pretty clunky with those. I'd use the above, and roll it
through another loop.
for(jj in 1:5) {
foo[[jj + 1]] [which(foo$old == jj)] <- TRUE #note - same offset
#from above
Again, I'm sure the gurus have a slick way of doing it. I'm also sure
some of them wouldn't like to think of the above examples while eating
dinner ;)
Indigo Industrial Controls Ltd.
jasont at indigoindustrial.co.nz