>Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 16:52:58 +0100
>To: r-help at lists.R-project.org
>From: Marta Rufino <mrufino at cmima.csic.es>
>Subject: last.warning and function problem
>I am a newbie in R and I am trying to create a function, that includes
several functions inside.>To avoid that everything stops if there is an error, I have this statement
>bla = function(....){
>inside the function, which if I use it normally, it works fine, but once I
use it with the funciotn it gives me an error like:>
>$"remove: variable "last.warning" was not found"
>which breaks my function.
>I just want to make it do: if exists the file last warning, remove it, if
not, just proceed...>Does anyone knows why this happens? How can I avoid it?
>Thanks in advance.
Marta Rufino
Centre Mediterrani d'Investigacions Marines i Ambientals
Passeig Maritim 37-49
Tfno:34 93 230 95 40
Tfax:34 93 230 95 55