Bayesianbay at wrote:>
> Dear list
> I am having a couple of problems with the package 'bindata'.
> Having installed it using install.packages("bindata"), I am
> that
> when I load it up as a library I get the following errors:
> > library(bindata)
> Loading required package: e1071
> Loading required package: mvtnorm
> Warning messages:
> 1: There is no package called `e1071' in: library(package, char >
> logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
> 2: There is no package called `mvtnorm' in: library(package, char >
TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
> This means that obviously it isn't running some of the commands within
> the package.
> Could anybody tell me why this is happening and what I can do to
> remedy
> the situation?
Looks like some required packages (e1071 and mvtnorm) are missing on
your machine, to make use of bindata.
If you have Internet access, simply install them with
install.packages(c("e1071", "mvtnorm"))
Uwe Ligges
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