similar to: Bindata package problems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Bindata package problems"

2001 Oct 11
Where's MVA?
Hi All: Package TSERIES is stated to depend on MVA. However, there is no MVA package to be found under the list of package sources. Best wishes, ANDREW tseries: Package for time series analysis Package for time series analysis with emphasis on non-linear and non-stationary modelling Version: 0.7-6 Depends: ts, mva, quadprog Date: 2001-08-27 Author: Compiled by Adrian
2012 Jul 04
How to generate a correlated binary data set?
Hi. I am trying to generate a correlated binary data set. I've tried to use mvtBinaryEP, binarySimCLF, and bindata packages but none of them works in R version 2.15.1. Do you know any package to generate correlated binary covariates and work in R version 2.15.1, or how to generate it? Thanks, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2000 Jul 28
Loop removal?
Dear all, I've got a quite large dataframe (stor) with rows subject and rt (reaction time). I would like to split the reaction times per subject into 6 bins of equal size. Right now, I'm using the following code: bindata <- function(rt) { bindata <- rep(-1,length(rt)) binwidth <- length(rt)/6 bindata[order(rt)[(0*binwidth)+1:(1*binwidth)]] <- 1
2005 Nov 11
Recursive dependencies(Rcmdr)
Something might have slipped by me, but I got into the following situation installing Rcmdr: < install.packages("Rcmdr",depend=TRUE) > Oodles of Output, until: * Installing *source* package 'multcomp' ... ** R ** data ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load shared library
1998 Jun 16
R-beta: New Package bindata at CRAN
I have put the new package bindata to CRAN, which provides a method for creating binary (i.e., 0-1-valued) random variables with correlation structures by converting multivariate random variables to binary variables. The package includes a postscript file of a technical report describing the method, here's the abstract: ********************************************************** The
1998 Jun 16
R-beta: New Package bindata at CRAN
I have put the new package bindata to CRAN, which provides a method for creating binary (i.e., 0-1-valued) random variables with correlation structures by converting multivariate random variables to binary variables. The package includes a postscript file of a technical report describing the method, here's the abstract: ********************************************************** The
2008 Jun 17
read.spss {foreign} doesn't work over network?
I'm unable to open an SPSS file over my network. If I copy it to my local C:/ drive I can read it. I saved the command (in a "crib sheet" text file) in order to avoid all the typing, so I'm pretty sure I've done it before. I verified that the file I'm trying to read is OK. This is what happens: > SurveyData <-
2010 Oct 24
140 packages in R Commander!!
Dear List I just downloaded and installed R 2.12.0 and then installed R Commander . First it got RCmdr and Car, and then suggested for other packages for utilizing the full functionality- I clicked yes! I got 140 packages installed!!! Cran Mirror was UCLA... Here is the list. Is this intentional- I can see some packages like snow and multicore which are desirable but quite optional.(see list
2007 Feb 07
generate Binomial (not Binary) data
Dear All, I am looking for an R function or any other reference to generate a series of correlated Binomial (not a Bernoulli) data. The "bindata" library can do this for the binary not the binomial case. Thank you, Bernard --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
Hi All Please see the Rprofile file which i have modified as follows and after that when I start R then I see that R says to me "TRUE" for all the packages implying that all loaded at once. But when i try to use commands as simple as help("lm"), it doesnt work nor any of the menu "Packages" is not working. Although the regression using lm ( Y ~ X ) is working
2005 Feb 01
Rcmdr doesn't seem to work
Context: Windows XP - R 2.0.1 with the latest updated packages (including Rcmdr) I'm trying to load Rcmdr to use the 3d plots (e.g. scatter3d) but here it is what happens: > library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: zoo Loading required package: strucchange Loading required package: sandwich Loading required package: relimp Loading required package: mvtnorm Loading required package:
2008 Mar 23
problem with 'install.packages'
Hi, All: Is there a way to identify whether any users are using a particular package in a shared network R installation? I ask, because we have such a multiple-user installation and when I tried to install a package using Rgui that was in use by Rterm on a single-user installation, 'install.packages' deleted the existing package but failed to install the new version;
2002 Jul 09
RE: mvtnorm package installation failure
Hi, Thank you for the tip. I tried to re-intall R from Debian "stable", in which R's version is 1.4.0. And the installation of "mvtnorm" works. I then re-installed R yet again from Debian "unstable" (woody), in which R's version is 1.5.1. The installation of "mvtnorm" fails again with the same error message. Another package that failed with the
2002 Jun 12
Bagged clustering (package e1071)
Dear all, I have a problem with the function "bagged clustering" of package e1071. When I try to run the example of bagged clustering with the iris data : data(iris) bc1 <- bclust(iris[,1:4], 3, base.centers=5) I got the following message error : Loading required package: class Committee Member: 1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 5(1) 6(1) 7(1) 8(1) 9(1) 10(1)Error in bclust(iris[, 1:4], 3,
2011 Jun 10
Problem loading packages in R 2.13.0 on Mac
I am having problem loading packages in the newest version of R (2.13.0) on my Mac. I have tried to install various packages (e.g. lawstat, Rcmdr, car) and load them using the Package Installer and Package Manager menu options but I get the follow error: > library(lawstat) Loading required package: mvtnorm Error: package 'mvtnorm' could not be loaded In addition: Warning
2006 May 23
package installation problem
(this after asking the package author) Hi I cannot install the rmvnorm package under R-2.3.0, or R-2.3.1 beta. It installs fine under R-2.2.1. transcript for installation under R-2.3.0 follows. Robin-Hankins-Computer:~/scratch% R --version R version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24) Copyright (C) 2006 R Development Core Team R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to
2005 Sep 30
mvtnorm package
Hi all, I've been trying to install the "mvtnorm" package (in a Linux R version) without sucess. I write install.packages("mvtnorm",lib="/home/posmae/cnaber",repos="") and the following message arises ================================================== downloaded 160Kb * Installing *source* package 'mvtnorm'
2001 Aug 29
Missing functions in package e1071(Win*)
Hi! After unziping the CRAN file on my Win95 library directory, I start R and type >library(e1071) After that, help commands of the e1071 functions work (i.e., help(read.pnm), BUT some functions themselves are not available: > read.pnm Error: Object "read.pnm" not found I've looked at the file library/R/e1071 with an ascii editor and it seems like the functions
2003 Apr 07
problem with mvtnorm installation
Hi all, I tried to install the mvtnorm library on linux (mandrake version) and i obtained the following result : /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lreadline collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [] Erreur 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package 'mvtnorm' Could you help me ? Best regards, Olivier
2002 Oct 14
Vector of quantiles
I have a quick question which is very simple but I seem to have a mental block! I'm using the pchisq function to specify a Chi Squared distribution with 9 df which I'm then going to use in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test to test some simulated values. so simply: pchisq(q, df=9) I know that q is the vector of quantiles but could anybody tell me what exactly this vector needs to contain?