I have split my appliction into 2 folders - public and restricted areas: "site" and "admin" Now, in "site" i have a "search" controller with the "results" action. I want to make a link that will keep all the parameters of the link <%= link_to ''link'', params %> However, instead of something like: http://localhost:3000/site/search/results?price_from=0&order_by=price&mileage_from=0 I get the following http://localhost:3000/site/site/search/results?price_from=0&order_by=price&mileage_from=0 As you can see "site" is dublicated in the url showing up as "site/site" if I debug params I get the following: !ruby/hash:HashWithIndifferentAccess reg_year_to: price_from: "0" transmission_id: fuel_type_id: reg_year_from: metallic: action: results color_id: make_id: category_id: *controller: site/search* used: order_by: price mileage_to: mileage_from: "0" price_to: model_id: The way to workaround this for me was to add the following code: params.update({:controller => controller.controller_name, :action => controller.action_name}) however, clearly this is not the way it should be... am I doing something wrong or is it a bug? -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.