klaas wrote:> i have a method , and i only want the first 10 feeds to be put in the
> database , why doesn''t this control structure works , when the
> is 10 it has to jump out the iteration
Because you don''t actually tell the loop to "break". Using a
next at the bottom of a loop doesn''t imply a break when the test fails.
It simply skips the next line. And even when it doesn''t the next
do anything because the loop would continue anyway, as long as there are
more elements to iterate over.
> rssdoc.elements.each(''rss/channel/item'') do |item|
> counter = counter + 1
> @artikel=Article.new
> @artikel.titel = item.elements[''title''].text
> @artikel.bronvermelding = item.elements[''link''].text
> @artikel.article_type_id = 1
> @artikel.publicatie_on = Time.new
> paragraaf = Paragraaf.new()
> paragraaf.ondertitel = item.elements[''title''].text
> paragraaf.tekst = item.elements[''description''].text
> @artikel.bericht = paragraaf.to_html
> @artikel.save
> next unless counter===10
> end
Change the next line to:
break if counter == 10
And you''ll get the result you are looking for.