Couple of questions regarding ZFS:
First, can slices and vdevs be removed from a pool? It appears to
only want to remove a hotspare from a pool, which makes sense, however
is there some work around that will migrate data off of a vdev and
thus allow you to remove it? (In this case it was simply a small
slice that I wanted to yank out.)
Second, I''m at a loss on solaris partitioning and need a very quick
crash course. I created one partition or slice with fdisk at
installation of 10 GB and had 70 GB left on the device (throwing out
round numbers here to make it easier). I left the remainder
I fired up fdisk after installation and created another partition that
was 80% since I''d already used 20% and thus I filled up the entire
disk. Now, I wanted to push that 80% into the zpool, however it would
not see it and I really was not sure of the structure... c1d0 is the
actual physical drive, c1d0s0 is the root OS installation, however I''d
like to "see" what slices actually exist and understand how this works
better so that I can assign appropriately rather than stabbing in the
dark as I tried to push s1 into the pool (no knowing the correct
structure) and it ended up being a small slice of space that sat
between the OS installation and swap, I THINK.
I feel like I''m flying blind here not being able to view the structure
or how to create structure properly.
Finally, an ancillary question that really is just to scratch an itch:
Where can I find a good explanation to the rounding errors that are
seen in installation? I finally switched to cylinders and got pretty
close to what I wanted, but this is new to me and I was hoping to find
a quick concise source on that.