Hello, I have been maintaining, well watching, no real maintenance yet, the shorewall wiki (http://wiki.rettc.com/wiki.phtml?title=Wiki_Shorewall_FAQ) and though its evolution is slow, there is definitely evolution. Maybe it will become useful yet. I looked at this recent post: http://wiki.rettc.com/wiki.phtml?title=Talk:Port_Forwarding Here someone has requested help for Kazaa. I am sure this info is within the docs and mailing list archive. But, if some shorewall user is out there and has a sucessful Kazaa experience, I was wondering if you could take a few minutes and write a bit of info about it, and insert it into the wiki. I do not have the resources to investigate or test this on my end as I am lacking servers and time. If you were to edit the wiki, (http://wiki.rettc.com/wiki.phtml?title=Port_Forwarding&action=edit) you can insert some stuff there. Do not worry about format, I will fix that if necessary, just write up whatever info you might think is pertinent. Maybe that is the wrong place to put it, use your best judgement. Oh, and it would be nice if you register first so that any discussion and edits within the wiki has usernames associated with them instead of ip address only. Thanks, Alex Martin http://www.rettc.com