Just a reminder, the Cambridge LLVM Social is this Wednesday, 7:30pm at the The Tivoli, Chesterton Road: http://www.jdwetherspoon.co.uk/home/pubs/the-tivoli This pub is a bit further away from the train station, but has been highly praised by David, so if you don't like it, blame him. If people are interested in coming pre-Christmas, we can try a fancier pub in December (but that might require advanced booking). Otherwise, this will be the last social of 2012. If you haven't done so yet, you can subscribe to our calendar to know when the next one will be: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=as5fh066i94qthrkct1lv7rojo%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/London Topics that might interest are tales from the US dev meeting, news from the Euro-2013, the new 3.2 release and the new code ownership model. -- cheers, --renato http://systemcall.org/