I''ve been stuck on this particular problem for quite some time now. If I don''t explain it well enough I''d be happy to explain more. I have a group of draggables and a droppable object. I''ve created a function for the Droppable.onDrop event so when I drop one of these items I check (via an array) to see if it has already been added to the droppable. If it hasn''t then I add the object to the array and append a new element inside the droppable and also create a sortable list from it. The idea is that I can drag from a list onto a <div>. The item remains in the original list and a new item is added to the droppable div, which becomes a sortable list as items are dropped. Things work great, I can drag any number of items from the list onto the div, the new elements are created and a Sortable is created. ( I can call its serialize method. ) The problem is that the list will not sort. I can drag the items in the list but when I change the order, they simply revert back to their original positions. I''m guessing that it''s a conflict beween the Droppable and Sortable. I''m I fundamentally headed down the wrong path? It seems that if I have 2 sortable lists I will not have as much functionality as I cannot peform my function onDrop. I''ve posted code if anyone would care to take a look. There''s quite a bit of code on the page, but I''d be happy to hear any guidance. http://sirsupport.acs-ops.com/ajax/lookup_builder/index.html <http://sirsupport.acs-ops.com/ajax/lookup_builder/index.html> Thanks, Ticean _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/iCwEArCW2h5@public.gmane.org http://lists.rubyonrails.org/mailman/listinfo/rails-spinoffs