Rails spinoffs - Apr 2006

Sunday April 30 2006
8:19PM 1 Draggable - how start action on start dragging and end action on droppping
Saturday April 29 2006
8:59PM 4 Event.observe mystery
Friday April 28 2006
10:25PM 4 .times not behaving as I''d expect
9:43AM 3 Serialize / deserialize an associative array
7:01AM 1 startcolor and endcolor not working
6:10AM 4 The Ajax Experience
5:42AM 8 Effects fully display before effect
Thursday April 27 2006
10:34PM 5 proposing $E & $T
6:46PM 4 effect.SlideDown question
5:40PM 0 prototype application state.
4:54PM 14 cleanWhitespace and parentNode
2:43PM 0 radio buttons and $F function
2:04PM 8 Prototype based tabs and field validation. Enjoy!
Wednesday April 26 2006
1:51PM 12 RE: how to use Effect.BlindUp for resizing a div
11:30AM 0 RE: DOM events not firing in IE6 with floated di vs
9:48AM 3 DOM events not firing in IE6 with floated divs
Tuesday April 25 2006
11:22PM 0 railsconf ticket
2:41PM 12 RE: Element.scrollTo duration isn''t working
11:52AM 1 asynchronous False and Ajax.Responders object (bug)
2:52AM 2 issue with $() and child nodes on ie
Monday April 24 2006
7:28PM 1 JSON Validator
7:20PM 1 RE: Limited Autocompleter
7:14PM 0 (no subject)
7:01PM 5 merging one array into another
4:04PM 26 prototype-based color picker
1:57PM 1 dragdrop.js problems - workaround here
Sunday April 23 2006
11:04PM 3 ANN: Polygons library + sweet demo
Saturday April 22 2006
3:11AM 2 Form.serialize problem
Friday April 21 2006
8:45AM 1 how-to pass other values to InPlaceCollectionEditor?
Thursday April 20 2006
2:51PM 1 generate scaffold not generating views
10:35AM 1 The Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div
10:30AM 0 Javascript Documentation Generator
10:26AM 0 Sanity check of my Draggable code
12:27AM 0 text_field_with_auto_complete onclick show dropdown with all options
Wednesday April 19 2006
9:03AM 0 [scriptaculous] Snap with marginal steps (%)
Tuesday April 18 2006
8:57PM 7 [Prototype] evalScripts not working for me
6:57PM 2 RE: how to evaluate responseText as an array?
3:35PM 1 Ajax.Updater: getting onComplete to fire in IE
1:26PM 0 Create your own visual effects tutorial
8:27AM 0 Drag an drop bug in typo sidebar management, any help welcome
5:50AM 0 RE: innerHTML and scripts not running and evalScriptsin IE
Monday April 17 2006
11:38PM 0 IE help for Rating system
7:37PM 2 RE: document.getElementsByClassName (prototype) andElement.childrenWithClassName (scriptaculous) redundancy?
6:24PM 1 document.getElementsByClassName (prototype) and Element.childrenWithClassName (scriptaculous) redundancy?
6:01PM 2 Problem w/ IE & Autocomplete
4:11PM 1 Form.Serialize - Method''s for limiting form data?
3:41PM 0 FW: evalScripts in IE
Sunday April 16 2006
2:46PM 0 Sortable
Saturday April 15 2006
1:43PM 1 Begin with Autocompleter
2:54AM 11 evalScripts in IE
Friday April 14 2006
1:25PM 0 IE 6 AutoComplete...
1:22PM 6 character encoding in ajax submit
1:19PM 1 Script.aculo.us Effects with callbacks not working as it should.
12:26PM 1 Too Much Recursion
10:33AM 0 Ajax Requests and Server Ports
9:41AM 0 Issue with Core Effect and AJAX Postback
12:17AM 1 Problems using Sortable with an onUpdate callback
Thursday April 13 2006
1:18PM 0 Help ! Effect vs Ajax in script.aculo.us
Wednesday April 12 2006
7:05PM 11 innerHTML and scripts not running
Tuesday April 11 2006
3:45PM 0 Tab browser
5:42AM 1 IE Sortable Style Problem
Monday April 10 2006
11:45PM 0 Proposal for Try.allThese()
9:59PM 1 RE: Re: Prototype Ajax - How to pass my own paramsto onComplete
9:18PM 1 RE: Re: Prototype Ajax - How to pass my own params toonComplete
5:56PM 0 Samples for AJAX autocomplete and Inplace Editor are not working in FF 1.5.1
5:47PM 4 Element.getDimensions() support for IE?
5:18PM 0 About inplace editor
4:25PM 1 RE: Prototype Ajax - How to pass my own params toonComplete ?
4:17PM 10 Prototype Ajax - How to pass my own params to onComplete ?
10:42AM 24 Proposal of "Resizable" javascript library
Sunday April 9 2006
8:25AM 0 Form.EventObserver Incorrect?
1:35AM 4 Set Speed of Combinational Effects
Saturday April 8 2006
11:20PM 0 MSN like blind - BottomToTop
8:10PM 0 Re: Rails-spinoffs] Ajax.Updater asynchronous => false
6:33PM 0 autocomplete update element positioning in Opera
9:42AM 0 Drag and Drop ajax Bug in the typo sidebar management under IE6
Friday April 7 2006
8:02PM 0 RE: safe to compact?
7:09PM 0 Ajax.Updater asynchronous => false
8:50AM 6 ajax loading message
2:44AM 4 Effect.toggle error in 1.6.1
Thursday April 6 2006
11:35PM 1 Bug? In scriptaculous -- double text drawn one pixel off
8:43PM 0 script.aculo.us V1.6.1
8:35PM 0 Using insertion.after w/builder
5:04PM 1 RE: Drag and drop events. Or: How I learned totakeover the world.
4:03PM 1 RE: Drag and drop events. Or: How I learned to takeover the world.
3:56PM 3 Drag and drop events. Or: How I learned to take over the world.
3:02PM 4 problem with IE
11:40AM 4 function onComplete how to overload?
Wednesday April 5 2006
8:33PM 1 Nuby Sortable Question? How do you pass multiple lists back to the server
5:27PM 1 Firefox - Form within a table issue
10:22AM 6 Help with new EventSelectors in prototype
8:38AM 4 problem with drag and drop
Tuesday April 4 2006
10:37PM 1 Problems with Sortable and window.name (script.aclo.us)
4:02AM 0 Ajax inPlaceCollectionEditor
Monday April 3 2006
7:49PM 5 Event.observe on IE
4:25PM 0 Problems with slide up/down in IE6 and Opera
Sunday April 2 2006
9:06AM 13 autocompletion: hooking ''afterUpdateElement'' in Rails
Saturday April 1 2006
9:47AM 0 Sortable trees