I have the folowing configuration:
Client --- R1 --- R2 --- R3 --- Web
the Client it''s me, the R1 router it''s myne (so i can control
it), the
R2 is my provider router, and R3 is the provider,provider router.
R2 - R3 is a 2mbit link
R1 - R2 is a 10mbit link
R2 have multiple interfaces and other 10mbit links
I have a 32kbit garanted bandwidth on the R2-R3, but without limit (rate
32kbit, ceil 2mbit)
The congested link is between R2 and R3. I start to download something,
the R2-R3 32kbit gets full, borrows and gets to around (let''s say)
50kbit. Then other clients comes, and the bandwitdth above 32kbit gets
unsecured. In this moment i want to browse a web page, and it comes very
very hard.
The question is: what can i do from R1 to make the browsing faster, but
not limiting the download to 20kbit (for ex)???
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