search for: garanted

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "garanted".

Did you mean: garantee
2005 Nov 10
error in rowSums:'x' must be numeric
Dear All, It's Eszter again from Hungary. I could not solve my problem form yesterday, so I still have to ask your help. I have a binary dataset of vegetation samples and species as a comma separated file. I would like to calculate the Jaccard distance of the dataset. I have the following error message: Error in rowSums(x, prod(dn), p, na.rm) : 'x' must be numeric In addition:
2001 Nov 14
I Don't speak the language it is in, but is this spam? -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of SAGLAM SiGORTA Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:40 PM To: Subject: BASA GELEN CEKiLiR DEMEYiN.. Importance: High SA?LAM S?GORTA ARACILIK H?ZMETLER? Merhabalar, Size ?ncelikle firmam?z? tan?tarak
2002 Oct 11
congestion problem
...R1 --- R2 --- R3 --- Web the Client it''s me, the R1 router it''s myne (so i can control it), the R2 is my provider router, and R3 is the provider,provider router. R2 - R3 is a 2mbit link R1 - R2 is a 10mbit link R2 have multiple interfaces and other 10mbit links I have a 32kbit garanted bandwidth on the R2-R3, but without limit (rate 32kbit, ceil 2mbit) The congested link is between R2 and R3. I start to download something, the R2-R3 32kbit gets full, borrows and gets to around (let''s say) 50kbit. Then other clients comes, and the bandwitdth above 32kbit gets unsecur...
2017 Jan 17
postdoctoral position in Computational Biology/Statistics/Evolutionary Biology in Madrid, Spain
Dear All, A 1-year postdoctoral position in Computational Biology/Bioinformatics/Evol. Biology/Statistics is available in Madrid, Spain. Brief description: Simulation and analysis of evolutionary processes in cancer. Requirements: - Postdoc younger than 30 years. - Be registered as resident ("estar empadronado") in Madrid, Spain, since 08-August-2016. - Be registed in the
2023 Jul 19
Estimado/a: Guía Integral de Visitas de Seguridad en el Ambiente de Trabajo
stps Estimado/a Espero que te encuentres bien. Me complace invitarte a participar en nuestro curso online (18 de agosto 2023) "Gu?a Integral de Visitas de Seguridad en el Ambiente de Trabajo: STPS-IMSS-SINAPROC". Este curso te brindar? las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar pol?ticas de contrataci?n o realizar ajustes contractuales, con el objetivo de fundamentar la reducci?n de
2023 Jul 19
solicitud de información, quedo pendiente de sus comentarios
stps Estimado/a Espero que te encuentres bien. Me complace invitarte a participar en nuestro curso online (18 de agosto 2023) "Gu?a Integral de Visitas de Seguridad en el Ambiente de Trabajo: STPS-IMSS-SINAPROC". Este curso te brindar? las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar pol?ticas de contrataci?n o realizar ajustes contractuales, con el objetivo de fundamentar la reducci?n de
2003 Feb 16
Acuse de recibo (mostrado) - [Asterisk] G729 and Wildcard
Este es el acuse de recibo del mensaje que envi? a chiardon <chiardon at>. Nota: este mensaje de acuse de recibo s?lo confirma que el mensajelleg? al equipo del destinatario. No existen garant?as de que el contenido de se haya le?do o entendido. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/rfc822-headers
2003 Dec 02
samba(pdc)+squid+winbind(ntlm)- problems
help. i use samba 3.0.1 pre1 squid 2.5 stable1 i edit smb.conf krb5.conf nsswitch.conf squid works fine. samba pdc works fine too. net join domain - ok wbinfo - u = ok wbinfo - g = don't work. smb.conf >>>>>>>>>>>>> # Samba config file created using SWAT # from ( # Date: 2003/12/01 12:18:38 # Global parameters [global]
2002 Oct 12
[Fwd: Re: congestion problem]
...;'s me, the R1 router it''s myne (so i can control it), the > R2 is my provider router, and R3 is the provider,provider router. > > R2 - R3 is a 2mbit link > R1 - R2 is a 10mbit link > R2 have multiple interfaces and other 10mbit links > I have a 32kbit garanted bandwidth on the R2-R3, but without limit (rate > 32kbit, ceil 2mbit) > You have guaranteed 32K upstream, downstream or both? both in 32kbps > There''s something strange about that in any case. > For upstream, how does r2 know which packets are from you? ip > Sourc...
2024 May 23
No RID Set found for this server. Can't self-allocate
The Samba ports are not filtered. The firewall is between STG-DC and SAMBADC (both of them sync correctly). The sync problems happen in VIG-DC3, which is behind the same firewall of STG-DC. Here's nmap output (SAMBADC is root at vig-dc3:~# nmap -Pn Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2024-05-23 08:22 UTC Nmap scan report for SAMBADC.ugt.ldap (
2024 May 21
No RID Set found for this server. Can't self-allocate
Hello, everybody. I have a Samba domain spread over 19 offices, 5 of them have a domain controller of their own. Some of these DC work fine now that I have a quite homogeneous set of samba versions. Most of them are Debian 11 with samba 4.17. The last two DC added (in different offices) have joined the domain without problems, but both have the same problem. The can't find a RID set:
2009 Oct 27
Stack overflow in R 2.10.0 with sub()
Hi R developers: Congratulations for the new R 2.10.0 version. It is a huge effort! Thank you for your work and dedication. I just want to ask how to make this "strip blank" function to work again (it works on R.2.9.2). alumnos$AL_NUME_ID<-sub("(^ +)|( +$)","",alumnos$AL_NUME_ID),) "alumnos" is a data base with 900.000 rows and 72 columns. and
2007 Feb 21
Split access, load balancing AND forwarding: HOW?
The LARTC howto correctly describes load balancing and split access for traffic from a machine with multiple ISP connections ( -- *provided* the traffic originates from the machine itself (i.e. traffic regularly handled by the INPUT and OUTPUT chains of iptables). When forwarding traffic from an attached local network, the following
2010 Oct 01
Wine release 1.3.4
The Wine development release 1.3.4 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Support for right-to-left mirrored windows. - Winelib now supports the ARM platform. - New taskkill.exe built-in application. - Inetcpl control panel fleshed out. - AcceptEx is implemented now. - Improved security checks for SSL connections. - Translation updates. -