On 26 Jun 2008, at 03:36, Jacques wrote:
> Hi,
> I am fairly new at Rails, and attempting to deploy an application
> that''s running fine using InstantRails on my PC. On the deployment
> server (I use railsplayground.net), I get the following error:
> Processing ApplicationController#index (for at
> 2008-06-25 18:49:34) [GET]
> Session ID: 5921e7d789ee3aaa214f2d59aa40986a
> Parameters: {"action"=>:index,
camelize is a string method, it''s not defined on symbols. Normally
that portion of your log would have the action/controller as strings,
not symbols.
Something iffy in your routes maybe? Also you seem to be deploying
your app against 2.1 but developing it against 2.0.2, I would really
recommend that you use the same version in both places.
> NoMethodError (undefined method `camelize'' for :tdf:Symbol):
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.1.0/lib/
> action_controller/routing/route_set.rb:386:in `recognize''
> My rails configuration is as follows:
> About your application''s environment
> Ruby version 1.8.6 (i686-linux)
> RubyGems version 0.9.5
> Rails version 2.0.2
> Active Record version 2.0.2
> Action Pack version 2.0.2
> Active Resource version 2.0.2
> Action Mailer version 2.0.2
> Active Support version 2.0.2
> Application root /home/jhugon/tdf
> Environment development
> Database adapter sqlite3
> Would anyone know where I should start looking? I found one post which
> indicates that this "camelize" method lives in
> ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String::Inflections
> but I don''t know enough Rails to interpret how to remedy to the
> problem.
> Any and all help is appreciated.
> Thanks!
> -jlh
> >
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