most probably you want to use the collection_select helper in your
first, in your controller action, grab the contents of the table you
want to use to populate the combo
class TestController < ApplicationController
def index
@categories = Category.find(:all)
Then in your view, add the following code to insert a form and combo
<select> box
<% form_for :articles do |f| %>
<%= f.collection_select(:category_id, @categories, :id, :name) %>
<% end %>
This is assuming you have a table in your db named categories which
has an ''id'' and ''name'' column, and you want
to save the id into the
column ''category_id'' in the table ''articles''
Just substitute out these names if yours are different.
I find this is the best place to read up on the myriad helpers and
methods available in rails:
On Dec 30, 5:28 pm, Zablon Ochomo
wrote:> hi all,
> i need help in populating a combo box with table data.
> any sample code out there?
> ochomo
> --
> Posted via
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