Never mind, I figured it out. The file input field didn''t have a
attribute, just an idea, so that was causing the error. It seems like a
strange way for the app to behave.
On Jan 25, 5:29 pm, "archerid"
wrote:> Hi All,
> I''m having a problem with a simple file upload page. I''ve
narrowed it
> down to the enctype attribute of the form tag. Here''s my form:
> <form action="/app1/gpxdata/upload_gpxfile"
> enctype="multipart/form-data" >
> <input type="file" size="50"
id="gpxfile" />
> <input id="gpxupload" type="submit"
value="Load GPX from file" />
> </form>
> When I submit this form, I get a 404-File not found error. I can access
> upload_gpxfile directly, via typing the url directly into my browser,
> so the path in the action tag is correct, but it seems that when I
> submit the form, the web server can''t find it.
> The interesting thing is that when I remove the enctype attribute in
> the form tag, the form submits just fine, although I can''t access
> file I''m trying to upload, but that''s to be expected,
given the missing
> enctype attribute.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.
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