I''m not sure, I''ve been just doing:
<%=country_select ''user'', ''country'', nil,
{}, {:class=>''some-class''} %>
but I''m hoping there''s a nicer way. If there isn''t,
you could always
create your own helper which uses the existing one.
On Dec 11, 5:56 am, jon
wrote:> <%=country_select ''user'',
> I have the above field, how can I add a class to this?
> The api says this, if someone could explain how to get to the
> html_options bit, without the others, that would be great?
> country_select(object, method, priority_countries = nil, options = {},
> html_options = {})
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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