hello, I had rails working perfectly on a fedora 1 server (apache2) with scgi. Since my upgrade to fedora 2 (apache2) rails works on scgi except that it doesn''t load my /public files. The server.log says : (13)Permission denied: access to /stylesheet/scaffold.css. Here is my vhirtual host conf: SCGIMount / <LocationMatch \..+$> SCGIHandler Off </LocationMatch> <LocationMatch "^/$"> SCGIHandler Off </LocationMatch> <Directory /home/httpd/vhosts/charlie-chaplin.com/subdomains/fees/httpdocs/ccdb/public> Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks AllowOverride all Allow from all Order allow,deny </Directory> I tried many combination (with/without htaccess, I don''t have any dispath.rb file anymore though). But although I dont understand anything to rewrite rules it seems the problem is elsewhere. Why is access denied to my files (precision /public folder is set to 777) thanx for your help