I''m getting the error listed below after running script/generate scaffold Case Admin::Cases When I try to browse to /admin/cases/ (or /admin/cases/list) it errors out (details below). Why and what can I do to fix this? --[begin snip]---------------------------------------- SyntaxError in Admin/cases#index Showing /admin/cases/list.rhtml where line #19 raised: compile error (erb):10: syntax error for case in @cases ; _erbout.concat "\n" ^ (erb):13: syntax error _erbout.concat " <td>"; _erbout.concat((h case.send(column.name) ).to_s); _erbout.concat "</td>\n" ^ (erb):15: syntax error _erbout.concat " <td>"; _erbout.concat(( link_to ''Show'', :action => ''show'', :id => case ).to_s); _erbout.concat "</td>\n" ^ (erb):16: syntax error _erbout.concat " <td>"; _erbout.concat(( link_to ''Edit'', :action => ''edit'', :id => case ).to_s); _erbout.concat "</td>\n" ^ (erb):17: syntax error _erbout.concat " <td>"; _erbout.concat(( link_to ''Destroy'', {:action => ''destroy'', :id => case}, :confirm => ''Are you sure?'' ).to_s); _erbout.concat "</td>\n" ^ (erb):19: syntax error end ; _erbout.concat "\n" ^ Extracted source (around line #19): 16: <td><%= link_to ''Edit'', :action => ''edit'', :id => case %></td> 17: <td><%= link_to ''Destroy'', {:action => ''destroy'', :id => case}, :confirm => ''Are you sure?'' %></td> 18: </tr> 19: <% end %> 20: </table> 21: 22: <%= link_to ''Previous page'', { :page => @case_pages.current.previous } if @case_pages.current.previous %> --[/end snip]---------------------------------------- The sql for this table is detailed below. --[begin sql]---------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE `cases` ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, suite_id int(11) NOT NULL, created_by int(11) NOT NULL, number int(11) NOT NULL, description varchar(255) NOT NULL, start_conditions text NULL, pass_criteria text NULL, notes text NULL, created_at timestamp NOT NULL, modified_by int(11) NULL, modified_at timestamp NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); --[/end sql]---------------------------------------- I''m just starting to explore Rails so it might be something very obvious but I just don''t know why this happens for one table and not another. Kyle Heon kheon-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org