May be this helps:
vec<- "this is a nice text with nice characters"
# vec2<-str_split(vec," ")[[1]]
res<-unique(lapply(vec2,function(x) which(!is.na(match(vec2,x)))))
?names(res)<- unique(vec2)
#[1] 1
#[1] 2
#[1] 3
#[1] 4 7
#[1] 5
#[1] 6
#[1] 8
>I have tried some different packages in order to build a R program
which will take as input a text file, produce a list of the words inside
that file. Each >word should have a vector with all the places that this
word exist in the file. >As an example, if the text file has the string:
>"this is a nice text with nice characters"
>The output should be something like:
>$this ?
>[1] 1
>$is ? ? ?
>[1] 2
>$a ? ? ? ?
>[1] 3
>$nice ? ?
>[1] 4 7
>$text ?
>[1] 5
>$with ?
>[1] 6
>[1] 8
>A useful post which i came across here was
However it doesnt include the positions of each words.
>A similar function which i found through the documentation i guess
it's the "str_locate", however i want to count "words"
and not
>Any guidance of what packages / techniques to use on that, would be really
>Thank you.