it is easy to parse through yourself. if you don't care about the labels
and just want to import fixed-width file data, you can use the SAScii
package. if you do, run this code to get 'em :)
# load the stringr package to trim strings quickly
# example proc format block--
# store the proc format text.. you can use ?readLines to import your file
proc.format <- "proc format;
value $resstatus
'B' = 'Jahresaufenthalter'
'C' = 'Niedergelassene'
'I' = 'Dipl./int. Funkt. und Angehörige'
# separate all strings by return characters
x <- strsplit( proc.format , "\n" )[[1]]
# then break the strings apart by the equals signs
y <- strsplit( x , "=" )
# throw out the lines you don't need by hand
# only the third through fifth rows contain anything of value.
z <- y[ 3:5 ]
# extract the first and second elements of the list `z`
value <- sapply( z , "[[" , 1 )
label <- sapply( z , "[[" , 2 )
# trim outside whitespace
value <- str_trim( value )
label <- str_trim( label )
# remove first and last ' character
value <- substr( value , 2 , nchar( value ) - 1 )
label <- substr( label , 2 , nchar( label ) - 1 )
# print the results to the screen
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 10:39 AM, David Studer <> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I imported an SAS data-file into R. open.sas7bdat() did not work,
> so I had to convert it to csv first. Now I would like to recode the
> value values into factors. Unfortunately I only have a SAS
> syntax file, having this form:
> proc format;
> value $resstatus
> 'B' = 'Jahresaufenthalter'
> 'C' = 'Niedergelassene'
> 'I' = 'Dipl./int. Funkt. und Angehörige'
> ;
> run;
> Does anyone know if there is a possibility to change the numeric
> value labels into factor levels acording to the SAS syntax-file?
> I cannot do this manually as there are several hundred labels...
> Thank you!
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