Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "importing a SAS syntax-files (value labels)"
2013 Apr 13
Comparison of Date format
?In the example you provided, it looks like the dates in Date2 happens first.? So, I changed it a bit.?
DataA<- read.table(text="
ID,Status,Date1,Date2 ??? ??? ??????
1,A,3-Feb-01,15-May-01 ??? ???
1,B,15-May-01,16-May-01 ??? ???
1,A,16-May-01,3-Sep-01 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
1,B,3-Sep-01,13-Sep-01 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
1,C,13-Sep-01,26-Feb-04 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
2013 Jun 10
Combining CSV data
Hello R community,
I am trying to combine two CSV files that look like this:
File A
Row_ID_CR, Data1, Data2, Data3
1, aa, bb, cc
2, dd, ee, ff
File B
Row_ID_N, Src_Row_ID, DataN1
1a, 1, This is comment 1
2a, 1, This is comment 2
2012 Jan 13
Remove space from string
Dear R users,
I have some trivial query.
I have a string, I want to remove space from the string.
For eg.
a <- " Remove space "
Output required:
I tried using str_trim but only removes end spaces. library(stringr).
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Mar 07
Remove a word from a character vector value XXXX
Hi everyone,
What is the easiest way to remove the word Average and strip leading
and trailing blanks from the character vector (d5.Region) below?
.nrow.d5. d5.Region
1 1 Central Average
2 2 Coastal Average
3 3 East Average
4 4 Metro East Average
5 5 Metro North Average
6 6 Metro South Average
2012 Apr 12
Sobre series de tiempo y automatización.-
Espero que todos estén muy bien.
Les cuento la situación: En estos momentos estamos trabajando en un
proyecto sobre el modelado de unas series de tiempo semanales y
estamos confeccionando un proceso de forma tal que cada semana solo
hay que ejecutar un par de guiones que nos da el pronóstico de las 3 o
4 semanas siguientes. Con esta forma de trabajar se está apuntando a
la automatización
2016 Jan 24
test z de tres proporciones
El 24/01/16 a las 16:29, Fernando Sánchez Lasheras escribió:
> Hola José,
> Efectivamente le mensaje me lo enviaste a mí, pero yo al contestar lo mandé
> a la lista.
> Los grupos son tratamientos distintos. Es decir, se estudia a una serie de
> personas a las que se les aplican tres tratamientos distintos (A, B y C)
> durante el mismo tiempo y vemos el número de eventos
2012 Nov 13
Getting information encoded in a SAS, SPSS or Stata command file into R.
Dear folks ?
I have a large (26 gig) ASCII flat file in fixed-width format with about 10
million observations of roughly 400 variables. (It is 51 years of Current
Population Survey micro data from IPUMS, roughly half the fields for each
record). The file was produced by automatic process in response to a data
request of mine.
The file is not accompanied by a human-readable file giving the
2010 Apr 14
Import ASCII data using a .sas program
Good Day,
I have several ASCII data files that I would like to import into R.
They all have a SAS import file which is used to bring the data into SAS
and I am hoping to use this to bring the data into R. There are lots of
variables involved and the ASCII data file is 2308 columns long so I
would certainly prefer to figure out a smart way of converting the data
to R.
The ASCII data is a
2017 Dec 05
FW: R-devel error
I am resubmitting this bug report but with additional information. I am running this with windows 10: w64-mingw32 with R Under development (unstable) (2017-12-04 r73829). I build 'httk' from the command prompt using 'R CMD build httk' after installing the required packages. Then when the vignettes are being created, it crashes. Today I installed the latest versions of Rtools,
2012 Mar 09
From (common IDs different Names) To (common IDs common Names)
Dear Community
I have a large dataframe x as follows with common ids but different names:
> x <- data.frame(ID = c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3),
+ Name = c("B Branch A Firm ","A Firm","B Firm","B Firm","B Firm C Branch","C Firm","C Firm A Branch")
+ )
> x
ID Name
1 1 B Branch A Firm
2 1 A Firm
3 2
2017 Jan 16
Error al fusionar tablas
Holabueno, aunque hay muchas posibilidades para fusionar ambas tablas, usando la tuya sería algo así:Df3<-merge(Df1,Df2,by="Reviewer.Username", all = TRUE)
El Lunes 16 de enero de 2017 20:08, Jesús Para Fernández <j.para.fernandez en hotmail.com> escribió:
Los data.frames para unirlos lo mejor es que tengan el mismo numero de columnas o variables.
El dataframe2
2017 Dec 06
FW: R-devel error
Interesting, yesterday I had exactly this problem, but today I solved it
(see the R-pkg-devel list) by _installing_ R-devel and
> update.packages(checkBuilt = TRUE)
I also tried it on Martin's Fedora 26 example below. Worked fine (had to
install some packages...)
On ubuntu 16.04.
G?ran Brostr?m
On 2017-12-06 11:29, Martin Maechler wrote:
>>>>>> Pearce, Robert
2013 Apr 27
I have a question and need your help urgently. I am new to R but want to learn it.
I have several files in a folder which I have imported to R using :
temp = list.files(pattern="*.txt")
>myfiles = lapply(temp, read.delim)
The resulting files are on the workspace stored as List[110]. So they are 110 files in the list. Each file has several different columns and rows.
2013 Apr 11
Read the data from a text file and reshape the data
I have a data set for different time intervals. The data has three comment
lines before data for each time interval. For each time interval there are
500 data points. I want to change the dataset such that I have the following
t1 t2 t3 ................
0.00208 0.00417 0.00625 .................
a1 a2 a3 ...................
2013 Sep 20
Averate memory usage trend
I would like to understand how to draw a graph to find out the
average memory used by a single httpd process given these details
collected over a period of
several days. I code R but this is about a method to find an average
memory utilization. I believe I have enough data.
How should I statistically calculate this ?
The figures inside braces are the total httpd processes at
2023 Dec 30
Help request: Parsing docx files for key words and appending to a spreadsheet
An update: Running this block of code:
# Load libraries
filepath <- setwd(tk_choose.dir())
filename <- "Now they want us to charge our electric cars from litter
#full_filename <- paste0(filepath, filename)
full_filename <- paste(filepath, filename, sep="/")
if (!file.exists(full_filename)) {
2012 Oct 04
Failure of sas7bdat package
R 2.15.1
OS 10.7
I have been an enthusiastic user of the sas7bdat package in R. However, several recent sas7bdat files sent to me from different sources cannot be read by the package. The error message is:
Error in read.sas7bdat(FILENAME) :
unknown host W32_7PRO please report bugs to sas7bdatRbugs at gmail.com
I examined the file with a text editor and it contains
2005 Jan 27
CISCO 7905 Phone Weirdness
It seems on my phone, which is hooked up to a large pbx network powered by
an asterisk server, that it will randomly start ringing with a callerid#
of 2013 which is its username for that phone. I have looked and been
watching on the asterisk command line with the -vvvvvvr switch and nothing
has been seen that indicates a reason for this random ringing. This leads
me to think that this trouble
2009 Jul 16
H323 situation
Hi all,
I have this installation:
Asterisk with h323 support, pwlib_v1_10_3 and openh323_v1_18_0.
I have a problem that is, when a call comes from H323 and goes to a Sip
phone the asterisk sends two rtp streams to the sip. I checked this with
tcpdump, save the payload (voice is in G711u), one is the ringing indication
and the other is the voice coming from the user in h323 side. And
2013 Jun 28
Help with tables
May be this helps:
dat1<- read.table(text="
date1 time????????????????? date??????? timeSec topic pupilId correct
02/01/2013 14:58 02/01/2013 140323 fdp.fdp 40 TRUE
02/01/2013 14:59 02/01/2013 140372 fdp.fdp 150 TRUE
03/01/2013 11:23 03/01/2013 213833 fdp.percentage_calc_foundation 15 TRUE
03/01/2013 11:23 03/01/2013 213839 fdp.percentage_calc_foundation 57 TRUE
03/01/2013 11:24