What do you want your code to do? Give us a little explanation with your
When I try to run your code, I get
Error: could not find function "genoud".
Either supply the code for the functions included in your code, or tell us
what packages we need to run it.
Andras Farkas <> wrote on 11/26/2012 02:43:25
> Dear All,
> I could use a bit of help here, this function is hard to figure out
> (for me at least) I have the following so far:
> PKindex<-data.frame(Subject=c(1),time=c(1,2,3,4,6,10,12),conc=c(32,
> 28,25,22,18,14,11))
> Dose<-200
> Tinf <-0.5
> defun<- function(time, y, parms) {
> dCpdt <- -parms["kel"] * y[1]
> list(dCpdt)
> }
> modfun <- function(time,kel, Vd) {
> out <- lsoda(((Dose/Tinf)*(1/(kel*Vd)))*(1-exp(-kel*time)),c
> (0,time),defun,parms=c(kel=kel,Vd=Vd),rtol=1e-3,atol=1e-5)
> out[-1,2]
> }
> objfun <- function(par) {
> out <- modfun(PKindex$time, par[1], par[2])
> gift <- which( PKindex$conc != 0 )
> sum((PKindex$conc[gift]-out[gift])^2)
> }
> gen<-genoud
(objfun,nvars=2,max=FALSE,pop.size=30,max.generations=100,wait.generations=100,starting.value=c> (0.7,
> 60),BFGS=FALSE,print.level=0,boundary.enforcement=2,Domains=matrix(c
> (0.01,0.01,100,100),2,2),MemoryMatrix=TRUE)
> but get the following:
> Error in lsoda(((Dose/Tinf) * (1/(kel * Vd))) * (1 - exp(-kel * time)),
: > The number of derivatives returned by func() (1must equal the
> length of the initial conditions vector (7)
> i figured that having the "time" parameter in the equation screws
> things up, but do not now how to fix it bc I do not understand the
> warning message.
> your help is greatly apreciated,
> Sincerely,
> Andras
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