search for: memorymatrix

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "memorymatrix".

2010 Apr 18
Problem with RGenoud
I've been using RGenoud for a while and it worked smoothly so far. However I came across a strange problem lately (for me at least...). It fails after the first individual and I get the following error message when I set MemoryMatrix = FALSE : Error in genoud(fn, nvars = 8, max = TRUE, pop.size = 10, : REAL() can only be applied to a 'numeric', not a 'character' when I set MemoryMatrix = TRUE, it fails after it runs the total number of individuals in the 1st generation: Error in population[eval.indx, nvars...
2012 Nov 26
Help on function please
...2])  gift <- which( PKindex$conc != 0 )  sum((PKindex$conc[gift]-out[gift])^2)  }        gen<-genoud(objfun,nvars=2,max=FALSE,pop.size=30,max.generations=100,wait.generations=100,starting.value=c(0.7,60),BFGS=FALSE,print.level=0,boundary.enforcement=2,Domains=matrix(c(0.01,0.01,100,100),2,2),MemoryMatrix=TRUE)   but get the following:  Error in lsoda(((Dose/Tinf) * (1/(kel * Vd))) * (1 - exp(-kel * time)), : The number of derivatives returned by func() (1must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (7)   i figured that having the "time" parameter in the equation screws thing...
2010 Oct 13
How to fix error in the package 'rgenoud'
Dear R user fellows, I would like to ask you about the package 'rgenoud' which is a genetic optimization tool. I ran the function 'genoud' with two variables to be minimized by the following command. result<-genoud(fn,nvars=2,starting.values=c(0.5,0), pop.size=1000, max.generations=10, wait.generations=3) Then, I had the following error message. Error in
2013 Jan 03
R2OpenBUGS question with differential equations
...  gift <- which( Input$lev != 0 )   sum((Input$lev[gift]-out[gift])^2) }        gen <- genoud(objectfunc,nvars=3,max=FALSE,pop.size=10,max.generations=100,wait.generations=100, starting.value=c(40,8,12),BFGS=FALSE, print.level=0,boundary.enforcement=0,Domains=matrix(c(0,0,0,100,100,100),3,2),MemoryMatrix=TRUE) outgen<-c(gen$par[1],gen$par[2],gen$par[3]) opt<-optim(c(gen$par[1],gen$par[2],gen$par[3]),objectfunc,method="Nelder-Mead")  outopt<-c(opt$par[1],opt$par[2],opt$par[3])     fm<-nls(lev~modelfunc(time,Vm,Km,Vol),data=Input,start=list(Vm=opt$par[1],Km=opt$par[2],Vol=opt$...
2010 Oct 15
nomianl response model, as.double(solution.tolerance), as.integer(BFGS), as.integer(, as.integer(provide.seeds), as.integer(unif.seed), as.integer(int.seed), as.integer(print.level), as.integer(share.type), as.integer(instance.number), as.integer(MemoryMatrix), as.integer(debug), as.character(output.path), as.integer(output.type), as.character(project.path), as.integer(hard.generation.limit), as.function(genoud.optim.wrapper101), as.integer(lexical), as.function(fnLexicalSort), as.function(fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate), as.i...