I write about R every weekday at the Revolutions blog: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com and every month I post a summary of articles from the previous month of particular interest to readers of r-help. In case you missed them, here are some articles related to R from the month of September: You can now browse the R-devel sources and changelogs at GitHub: http://bit.ly/VAGKXH R is used to create a 3-D animation of the Antarctic ice cap: http://bit.ly/VAGIyV At the DataWeek SF conference, R users from eBay, Intuit, Minted and other companies describe how R is used in production: http://bit.ly/VAGIyU A free on-line R course, "Computing for Data Analysis", is underway at Coursera: http://bit.ly/VAGKXF Guest blogger Luba Gloukhov used the Million Song Dataset and the plotGoogleMaps package to make an interactive map of the sources of popular music: http://bit.ly/VAGKXE Guest blogger Winston Chang introduced the extrafont package, and demonstrated how to use alternative fonts for text in R graphics: http://bit.ly/VAGKXG Guest blogger Alex Guazzelli describes how the PMML standard and R are used to deploy predictive models to production environments: http://bit.ly/VAGLe3 Guest blogger Andrew Winterman uses R to design interactive data applications: http://bit.ly/VAGLe2 Guest blogger Ron Fredericks shares tips on making videos of R user group meetings, and links to a presentation about Rhipe at Facebook: http://bit.ly/VAGIz2 Guest blogger Garrett Grolemund introduced the ggsubplot package, and gave several examples of using small multiples for data visualization: http://bit.ly/VAGIz3 Guest blogger Naomi Robbins reprised several examples from her Forbes blog where R was used to improve on some substandard charts: http://bit.ly/VAGLe1 Guest blogger Nathan Yau described some of the R tutorials available at his FlowingData blog to create some stunning data visualizations: http://bit.ly/VAGIz4 Guest blogger Yihui Xie described how to use his knitr package to easily create reports with data, code and graphics for the Web: http://bit.ly/VAGLed Guest blogger Douglas McNair uses Revolution R and the RevoScaleR package at Cerner for the analysis of clinical trials with large amounts of data: http://bit.ly/VAGLec KickStarter uses R to visualize how the crowd funding service has supported independent video game projects: http://bit.ly/VAGIz5 A recent update to ggplot2 introduces "Themes", to allow you to style your chart according to predefined conventions: http://bit.ly/VAGIz6 Several approaches to creating a random binary matrix in R: http://bit.ly/VAGLeb Some non-R stories in the past month included: a remarkable use of magnets (http://bit.ly/VAGIz7), and proof that koalas can swim (http://bit.ly/VAGLee). Meeting times for local R user groups (http://bit.ly/eC5YQe) can be found on the updated R Community Calendar at: http://bit.ly/bb3naW If you're looking for more articles about R, you can find summaries from previous months at http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/roundups/. Join the Revolution mailing list at http://revolutionanalytics.com/newsletter to be alerted to new articles on a monthly basis. As always, thanks for the comments and please keep sending suggestions to me at david at revolutionanalytics.com . Don't forget you can also follow the blog using an RSS reader like Google Reader, or by following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid). Cheers, # David -- David M Smith <david at revolutionanalytics.com> VP of Marketing, Revolution Analytics http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com Tel: +1 (650) 646-9523 (Palo Alto, CA, USA) Twitter: @revodavid