Dear All, Could we specify the multinomial distribution in R when doing Bayesian data analysis through R2WinBUGS? See below for my issues. t2[i,1:2] ~ dmulti(p2[i,1:2],n2[i]) #t2[] is a matrix with two columns, the problem is how to specify it in R p2[i,1] <- (p[i] * s1[t[i]] * s2[t[i]] + (1 - p[i]) * (1 - c1[t[i]]) * (1 - c2[t[i]]))/p1[i] p2[i,2] <- (p[i] * s1[t[i]] * (1 - s2[t[i]]) +(1 - p[i]) * (1 - c1[t[i]]) * c2[t[i]])/p1[i] t2<-modeldata[,c(6,7)] #This is the method that i used. Unfortunately, it seems not to work. data<-list("m",...,"t2") #data[[10]] is just "t2" The error information is :Error in is.finite(x) : default method not implemented for type 'list' when using traceback(), i get: 6: FUN(X[[10L]], ...) #so, i guess i didnot specify "t2" correctly 5: lapply(data.list, formatC, digits = digits, format = "E") 4: write.datafile(lapply(data.list, formatC, digits = digits, format "E"), file.path(dir, data.file)) 3:, dir = getwd(), digits) 2: bugs(data, inits, model.file = "BayesGeostat.txt", parameters = c("p", "a", "u", "tau.u", "tau.s", "phi", "t1.p"), n.chains = 3, n.iter = 1000, OpenBUGS.pgm = "C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenBUGS/OpenBUGS322/OpenBUGS.exe") 1: debug(bugs(data, inits, model.file = "BayesGeostat.txt", parameters c("p", "a", "u", "tau.u", "tau.s", "phi", "t1.p"), n.chains = 3, n.iter = 1000, OpenBUGS.pgm = "C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenBUGS/OpenBUGS322/OpenBUGS.exe")) Any guys have ever met this problem or know how to fix it? Thanks a lot. -- With Kind Regards, oooO::::::::: (..)::::::::: :\.(:::Oooo:: ::\_)::(..):: :::::::)./::: ::::::(_/:::: ::::::::::::: [***********************************************************************] ZhiJie Zhang,MD,PhD Dept.of Epidemiology, School of Public Health,Fudan University Office:Room 443, Building 8 Office Tel./Fax.:+86-21-54237410 Address:No. 138 Yi Xue Yuan Road,Shanghai,China Postcode:200032 [***********************************************************************] oooO::::::::: (..)::::::::: :\.(:::Oooo:: ::\_)::(..):: :::::::)./::: ::::::(_/:::: ::::::::::::: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]