Dear list members, Any help on this efficiency issue would be greatly appreciated. I would like to find the most efficient way to run a non-vectorized function (here: fisher exact test p-value) iteratively using 4 matrices with identical dimensions. And as a result I aim for an array with identical dimensions containing the corresponding p-values. Please consider some code using a trivial example with 3x4 arrays below. Eventually I would like to run code on 2e3 x 7e6 arrays, for which someone suggested Amazon EC2 already... Q1: would you agree that fisher.test() is not vectorizable? e.g. fisher.test( matrix(c(Ax,Ay,Bx,By),ncol=2) ) does not work Q2: direct use of Ax, Ay, Bx, By as input instead of a (list) transform for the input would seem beneficial for speed Q3: parallelization of the iterative process seems to make sense. Q4: a progress bar seems to save peace of mind having no clue of the runtime. Q5: avoidance of an output transform to get array from vector Q6: for Q2/3/4/5 plyr seems to be ideal (e.g. maply) Please also find some solutions below. solution 1: using mapply solution 2: using lapply solution 3: using mclapply attempt 4: stuck on plyr implementation --Philip ### CODE START ### Ax <- matrix(c(2,3,5,6, 3,7,8,9, 8,2,1,3), ncol = 4) Ay <- matrix(c(9,8,5,7, 4,9,9,9, 8,7,5,4), ncol = 4) Bx <- matrix(c(1,5,9,8, 4,7,8,9, 2,3,2,1), ncol = 4) By <- matrix(c(5,5,9,9, 9,8,8,9, 5,5,3,2), ncol = 4) ### solution 1 using mapply # proper answer, no input transform, output transform, no parallelization, no progress update sol1 <- function() { res1 <- mapply( function(i,j,k,l) { fisher.test( matrix(c(i,j,k,l), ncol=2),$p.value }, i=Ax, j=Ay, k=Bx, l=By, SIMPLIFY=TRUE) ans1 <- matrix(res1,ncol=4) return(ans1) } s1 <- sol1() ### solution 2 using lapply # proper answer, input transform, output transform, no parallelization, no progress update sol2 <- function() { tmp.list <-, as.numeric(Ay), as.numeric(Bx), as.numeric(By))) # determine fisher.test p-values as list res2 <- lapply(tmp.list, function(x) { fisher.test( matrix(unlist(x), ncol=2),$p.value }) ans2 <- matrix(unlist(res2),ncol=4) return(ans2) } s2 <- sol2() ### solution 3 using mclapply # proper answer using input transform, output transform, parallelization, no progress update library(multicore) sol3 <- function() { tmp.list <-, as.numeric(Ay), as.numeric(Bx), as.numeric(By))) # determine fisher.test p-values as list res3 <- mclapply(tmp.list, function(x) { fisher.test( matrix(unlist(x), ncol=2),$p.value }, mc.cores=4) ans3 <- matrix(unlist(res3),ncol=4) } s3 <- sol3() ### solution 4 using plyr::maply # difficulty finding equivalent code # benefit could be: no input transform, no output transform, parallelization, and progress update library(plyr) library(abind) library(doMC) registerDoMC(cores=4) sol4 <- function() { ans4 <- maply( = abind(i=Ax,j=Ay,k=Bx,l=By,along=0), = abind(Ax,Ay,Bx,By,along=3), = data.frame(i=Ax, j=Ay, k=Bx, l=By), = cbind(i=as.vector(Ax), j=as.vector(Ay), k=as.vector(Bx), l=as.vector(By)), = list(i=Ax, j=Ay, k=Bx, l=By), .data = abind(i=Ax, j=Ay, k=Bx, l=By, along=3), .fun = function(i,j,k,l) { fisher.test( matrix(c(i,j,k,l), ncol=2),$p.value }, .progress = "text", .parralel = TRUE ) return(ans4) } all.equal(s1,s2) # TRUE all.equal(s1,s3) # TRUE library(microbenchmark) microbenchmark(sol1, times=1000) microbenchmark(sol2, times=1000) microbenchmark(sol3, times=1000) microbenchmark(sol4, times=1000) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]