Thanks for the replies and sorry for the missing information.
System information:
R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Package informations
Package: ODB
Type: Package
Title: Open Document Databases (.odb) management
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2011-06-15
Author: Sylvain Mareschal
Maintainer: Sylvain Mareschal <maressyl at>
Description: This package provides functions to create, connect, update
and query HSQL databases embedded in Open Document Databases
(.odb) files, as OpenOffice and LibreOffice do.
License: GPL (>= 3)
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: methods, DBI, RJDBC, XML
SystemRequirements: zip
Packaged: 2011-06-15 19:12:53 UTC; Sylvain
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-06-17 06:44:34
Built: R 2.15.0; ; 2012-04-14 01:59:04 UTC; unix
> packageDescription("DBI")
Package: DBI
Version: 0.2-5
Title: R Database Interface
Author: R Special Interest Group on Databases (R-SIG-DB)
Maintainer: David A. James <daj025 at>
Depends: R (>= 2.3.0), methods
Imports: methods
Description: A database interface (DBI) definition for communication
between R and relational database management systems. All
classes in this package are virtual and need to be extended by
the various R/DBMS implementations.
LazyLoad: yes
License: LGPL (>= 2)
Collate: DBI.R Util.R zzz.R
Packaged: 2009-12-21 19:58:17 UTC; sfalcon
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2009-12-22 07:54:43
Built: R 2.15.0; ; 2012-04-14 01:02:50 UTC; unix
> packageDescription("RJDBC")
Package: RJDBC
Version: 0.2-0
Title: Provides access to databases through the JDBC interface
Author: Simon Urbanek <Simon.Urbanek at>
Maintainer: Simon Urbanek <Simon.Urbanek at>
Depends: methods, DBI, rJava (>= 0.4-15), R (>= 2.4.0)
Description: RJDBC is an implementation of R's DBI interface using JDBC
as a back-end. This allows R to connect to any DBMS that has a
JDBC driver.
License: GPL-2
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-05-17 04:39:36
Built: R 2.15.0; ; 2012-05-20 22:48:53 UTC; unix
> packageDescription("XML")
Package: XML
Version: 3.8-0
Date: 2012/01/12
Author: Duncan Temple Lang (duncan at
Maintainer: Duncan Temple Lang <duncan at>
Title: Tools for parsing and generating XML within R and S-Plus.
Depends: R (>= 1.2.0), methods, utils
Imports: methods
Suggests: bitops
SystemRequirements: libxml2 (>= 2.6.3)
LazyLoad: yes
Description: This package provides many approaches for both reading and
creating XML (and HTML) documents (including DTDs), both local
and accessible via HTTP or FTP. It also offers access to an
XPath "interpreter".
Note: The versions numbers 1.0 and 2.0 do not have any special
significance, but are merely the result of incrementing the
minor count by 1 for each release. Specifically, there is no
change in the interface.
License: BSD
Collate: AAA.R DTD.R DTDClasses.R DTDRef.R SAXMethods.S XMLClasses.R
applyDOM.R assignChild.R catalog.R createNode.R dynSupports.R
error.R flatTree.R htmlParse.R nodeAccessors.R parseDTD.R
schema.S summary.R tangle.R toString.S tree.R version.R
xmlErrorEnums.R xmlEventHandler.R xmlEventParse.R xmlHandler.R
xmlInternalSource.R xmlOutputDOM.R xmlNodes.R xmlOutputBuffer.R
xmlTree.R xmlTreeParse.R hashTree.R zzz.R supports.R parser.R
libxmlFeatures.R xmlString.R saveXML.R namespaces.R
readHTMLTable.R reflection.R xmlToDataFrame.R bitList.R
compare.R encoding.R fixNS.R xmlRoot.R serialize.R
xmlMemoryMgmt.R keyValueDB.R solrDocs.R
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2012-01-14 09:36:02
Built: R 2.14.1; x86_64-suse-linux-gnu; 2012-01-18 02:23:50 UTC; unix
> packageDescription("rJava")
Package: rJava
Version: 0.9-3
Title: Low-level R to Java interface
Author: Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at>
Maintainer: Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at>
Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), methods
Description: Low-level interface to Java VM very much like .C/.Call and
friends. Allows creation of objects, calling methods and
accessing fields.
License: GPL-2
SystemRequirements: java
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-12-11 10:41:33
Built: R 2.15.0; x86_64-suse-linux-gnu; 2012-04-14 01:58:28 UTC; unix
hints Brain Ripley: "?Sys.setlocale will explain how to undo the
I checked the content of Sys.getlocale() during various stages. Here is the
1. Stage: Starting R
R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> > assignInNamespace(".help.ESS",help, ns =
> options(STERM='iESS', str.dendrogram.last ="'",
> a <- Sys.getlocale()
> a
2. Stage: Loading package "ODB" and all its dependecies
> library(ODB)
Lade n?tiges Paket: DBI
Lade n?tiges Paket: RJDBC
Lade n?tiges Paket: rJava
Lade n?tiges Paket: XML
vorhergehender Import ?show? w?hrend des Ladens von ?rJava? ersetzt
> b <- Sys.getlocale()
> b
[1] TRUE
3. Stage: Loading the particular data base:
> db <-"Test.odb")
> c <- Sys.getlocale()
> c
[1] "de_DE.UTF-8">
Thus, not just loading packages, but loading the data base overwrites the
> a <- 1.3
> a
[1] 1,3
> Sys.setlocale(category="LC_NUMERIC",locale="C")
[1] "C"
In Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_NUMERIC", locale = "C") :
das Setzen von 'LC_NUMERIC' kann bewirken, dass R sich komisch
benimmt> a
[1] 1.3
the issue could be solved.
Hints Milan Bouchet-Valat:
"I recently experienced this with a totally unrelated package. The
culprit turned out to be RWeka (which depends on rJava, like ODB) when
used with Java 7 (on Fedora Linux 17). Can you simply try loading RJDBC
and print a decimal number? Please also check your Java version, and
give us system information as requested by Brian Ripley."
As you see below, simply loading RJDBC did not cause the problem:
R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> a <- 1.3
> a
[1] 1.3> library(RJDBC)
Lade n?tiges Paket: DBI
Lade n?tiges Paket: rJava
vorhergehender Import ?show? w?hrend des Ladens von ?rJava? ersetzt
> a
[1] 1.3>
The java version is
java -version
java version "1.7.0_b147-icedtea"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (suse-12.2-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)
When I changed to 1.6, the problem stayed the same
However, the problem did NOT occur on the following machine
System: kubuntu 12.04 64 bit
java: 1.6.0_24
R: 2.14.1
ODB-package: 1.0.0 (as above)
DBI-package: 0.2-5 (as above)
RJDBC-package: 0.2-0 (as above)
XML-package: 3.93-0 (different to above)
rJava-package: 0.9-3 (as above)
Note that after updating package "XML" to version 3.9-4 under R 2.15
on the
suse machine, the problem did not disappear
Thanks so far