Take a look at foreach() and %dopar$ from the CRAN package foreach.
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:57 AM, Alaios <alaios at yahoo.com>
wrote:> Dear all,
> I am having a for loop that iterates a given number of measurements that I
would like to split over 16 available cores. The code is in the following format
> inputForFunction<-expand.grid(caseList,filterList)
> for (i in c(1:length(inputForFunction$Var1))){#
> ?? ?? FileList<-GetFileList(flag=as.vector(inputForFunction$Var1[i]));
> ? ? ?? print(sprintf("Calling the plotsCreate for %s
> ????
> ?}
> as you can see after the inputForFunction is calculated then my code
iterates over the available combinations of caseList and filterList. It would be
great, without major changes, split these "tasks" to all the available
> Is there some way to do that?
> Regards
> Alex
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