On 11.05.2012 11:06, achughes wrote:> Dear All
> I would really appreciate some help with a script which a colleague wrote
> for me (attached), but I am having problems running (and have not been able
> to contact my colleague).
I think you have to contact your colleague or you have to provide the
full script including the objects trhat are used within that script.
The error message told you that the object 'bat.asc' was not found.
My suggestion would be to contact a local expert if your colleague is
Uwe Ligges
> The script is designed to compare the area of suitable habitat in binary
> projections of a large number of species current and future distributions,
> and create an excel file detailing the total area suitable in the present
> and future scenario, in addition to the area which overlaps.
> These maps are made from Maxent outputs, which have been reclassified to
> give binary projections for each species and will be used to assess how
> climatic change may potentially effect the total area which is suitable for
> each species. However despite considerable effort I cannot get the attached
> script to run. It creates an excel with the first species current and
> areas of suitable extent detailed, but "NA" for overlap, then
gives error
> warnings (shown below), but changes I have tried have failed to make the
> script run any further (though I have generated new error messages...)
> Any help or advice would be very greatly appreciated, I can also send some
> example files of current and future distributions if anyone thinks they
> maybe able to help.
> Thanks and best wishes
> Alice C Hughes
> "+ png(paste(out.dir, spp,'_overlap.png', sep=''),
> width=nrow(spp.asc),height=ncol(spp.asc), units='px', res=300,
> bg='white') #start the plot
> + par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)+0.1) #remove any plot margins
> + image(overlap, ann=FALSE,axes=FALSE,col=cols, zlim=c(0,3)) #plot the
> richness
> + legend.gradient(legend.pnts,cols=cols,limits=c(0,3),
> cex=2)
> + dev.off()
> + }
> Error in nrow(spp.asc) : object 'bat.asc' not found
> In addition: There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
>> write.csv(overlap.matrix, paste(out.dir,
> http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4625913/area2.r area2.r
> --
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