how about...
nrow(with(cc, model.matrix(params, data=environment())))
2009/8/10 Ben Bolker <bolker at>:> ?I am having difficulty with evaluation/environment construction
> for a formula to be evaluated by model.matrix(). ?Basically, I
> want to construct a model matrix that first looks in "newdata"
> for the values of the model parameters, then in "object at data".
> Here's what I've tried:
> ?1. model.matrix(~f,data=c(newdata,object at data)) -- fails because
> something (terms()?) within model.matrix() tries to coerce "data"
> to a data frame -- but newdata and object at data have different
> numbers of rows.
> ?2. with(c(newdata,object at data),model.matrix(~f)) ? works --
> BUT not when ~f is assigned to another object (as it will be
> when it is being dug out of a previously fit model).
> ?3. If "f" exists as a column within newdata and/or object at
> but the formula is assigned to another object (see below), then
> with(c(newdata,object at data),model.matrix(z)) ?fails -- because
> model.matrix() is explicitly evaluating the variables in the formula
> in the environment of z (i.e., ignoring the first argument of
"with" ...)
> ?Any advice on how to solve this without making a bigger mess?
> ?sincerely
> ? ?Ben Bolker
> ## set up a data frame for prediction
> set.seed(1001)
> f = factor(rep(letters[1:4],each=20))
> x = runif(80)
> u = rnorm(4)
> y = rnorm(80,mean=2+x*(3+u[f]),sd=0.1)
> dat = data.frame(f,x,y)
> ## fit a model ... could easily do by lm() but want to
> ## ? demonstrate the problem
> library(bbmle)
> m1 = mle2(y~dnorm(a+b*x,sd=exp(logs)),parameters=list(b~f),data=dat,
> ?start=list(a=0,b=2,logs=-3))
> ## data frame for prediction
> pp0 = expand.grid(x=seq(0,1,length=11),
> ?f=levels(dat$f))
> ## combine frame and model data: have to keep the model data
> ## ?around, because it contain other information needed for
> ## ?prediction.
> cc = c(pp0,m1 at data)
> try(mm <- model.matrix(~f,cc)) ?## fails -- different number of rows
> ?## (at some point R tries to coerce cc to a data frame)
> nrow(with(cc,model.matrix(~f))) ## works ... but ...
> ## here's what happens within predict.mle2()
> ## extract information about parameter models
> params <- eval(m1 at call$parameters)
> params <- params[[1]]
> params[[2]] <- NULL
> nrow(with(cc,model.matrix(params)))
> rm(f)
> ## object "f" not found -- because model.matrix
> ## ?evaluates in the parent environment of params ...
> try(nrow(with(cc,model.matrix(params))))
> --
> Ben Bolker
> Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida
> bolker at /
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Felix Andrews / ???
Postdoctoral Fellow
Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management (iCAM) Centre
Fenner School of Environment and Society [Bldg 48a]
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
M: +61 410 400 963
T: + 61 2 6125 1670
E: felix.andrews at
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