On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Thomas Adams <thomas.adams at noaa.gov>
wrote:> All:
> I have a SQlite database where I have stored some verification data by date
> & time (cycle Z/UTC), lead_time as well as type, duration, etc. I would
> like to analyze & plot the data as monthly averages. I have looked at a
> bunch of examples which use some combination of zoo and aggregate, but I
> have not been able to successfully apply bits and pieces from the examples
> I have found. Any help is appreciated. BTW, I calculate mae (mean absolute
> error), mse (mean squared error), me (mean error), and other measures
> obtained by using the R verification package.
> The example below is limited to 20 records and shows lead_time, r_squared,
> (forecast) cycle, fcst_date (forecast date) -- the full data set is just
> over 2 years of daily data with 3 forecast cycles (00Z, 12Z, and 18Z)
> >From my query, below) how do I construct an appropriate data structure
> analyze & plot the data as monthly averages?
> Regards,
> Tom
>> q<-dbGetQuery(con,"select lead_time,r_squared,cycle,fcst_date
> verify_table where duration=6 limit 20")
>> q
> ? lead_time ? ?r_squared cycle ?fcst_date
> 1 ? ? ? ? ?6 5.405095e-02 ? ?00 07/31/2010
> 2 ? ? ? ? 12 5.521620e-06 ? ?00 07/31/2010
> 3 ? ? ? ? 18 1.565910e-04 ? ?00 07/31/2010
> 4 ? ? ? ? 24 8.646822e-02 ? ?00 07/31/2010
> 5 ? ? ? ? 30 1.719604e-02 ? ?00 07/31/2010
> 6 ? ? ? ? 36 5.768113e-04 ? ?00 07/31/2010
> 7 ? ? ? ? 42 2.501269e-06 ? ?00 07/31/2010
> 8 ? ? ? ? 48 6.451727e-02 ? ?00 07/31/2010
> 9 ? ? ? ? ?6 2.857931e-01 ? ?12 07/31/2010
> 10 ? ? ? ?12 1.138635e-01 ? ?12 07/31/2010
> 11 ? ? ? ?18 2.225503e-02 ? ?12 07/31/2010
> 12 ? ? ? ?24 1.182031e-03 ? ?12 07/31/2010
> 13 ? ? ? ?30 8.841142e-04 ? ?12 07/31/2010
> 14 ? ? ? ?36 1.082490e-01 ? ?12 07/31/2010
> 15 ? ? ? ?42 1.502887e-05 ? ?12 07/31/2010
> 16 ? ? ? ?48 ? ? ? ? ? NA ? ?12 07/31/2010
> 17 ? ? ? ? 6 8.689588e-02 ? ?00 08/01/2010
> 18 ? ? ? ?12 5.884336e-04 ? ?00 08/01/2010
> 19 ? ? ? ?18 2.219316e-07 ? ?00 08/01/2010
> 20 ? ? ? ?24 3.960752e-02 ? ?00 08/01/2010
Try this:
Lines <- "lead_time r_squared cycle fcst_date
1 6 5.405095e-02 00 07/31/2010
2 12 5.521620e-06 00 07/31/2010
3 18 1.565910e-04 00 07/31/2010
4 24 8.646822e-02 00 07/31/2010
5 30 1.719604e-02 00 07/31/2010
6 36 5.768113e-04 00 07/31/2010
7 42 2.501269e-06 00 07/31/2010
8 48 6.451727e-02 00 07/31/2010
9 6 2.857931e-01 12 07/31/2010
10 12 1.138635e-01 12 07/31/2010
11 18 2.225503e-02 12 07/31/2010
12 24 1.182031e-03 12 07/31/2010
13 30 8.841142e-04 12 07/31/2010
14 36 1.082490e-01 12 07/31/2010"
q <- read.table(text = Lines)
z <- read.zoo(q, index = 4, FUN = as.yearmon, format = "%m/%d/%Y",
aggregate = mean)
See the 5 vignettes that come with zoo as well as ?read.zoo, ?plot.zoo
and ?xyplot.zoo
Statistics & Software Consulting
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