On Feb 10, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Adel ESSAFI wrote:
> Hi list
> I need some help for drawing some histograms
> I have a dataframe , say,
> X Y Z T
> I want to draw a histogram Z-T for each value of the couple (X-Y).
> When I use thus syntax
>> library(lattice)
>> histogram(law[,3] ~ law[,66] | law[,1] )
Perhaps (but untested in the absence of data);
histogram( Z ~ T | interaction(X, Y) , data=dfrmname )
> it draws multiple histograms but by selecting distinct values of
> law[,1]
> The deal is to make the same thing but for a couple of columns
> Thanks in advance for help
> Adel
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT