Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "dfrmname".
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2011 Jul 14
(no subject)
Good Afternoon R Community,
I often work with very large data bases and want to search for select cases by a particular word or numeric value. I created the following simple function to do just that. It searchs a particular column for the phrase and returns a data frame with the rows that contain that phrase (for a particular column).
Search<-function(term, dataframe, column.name,
2012 Feb 11
multiple histograms from a dataframe
Hi list
I need some help for drawing some histograms
I have a dataframe , say,
I want to draw a histogram Z-T for each value of the couple (X-Y).
When I use thus syntax
> library(lattice)
> histogram(law[,3] ~ law[,66] | law[,1] )
it draws multiple histograms but by selecting distinct values of law[,1]
The deal is to make the same thing but for a couple of columns
Thanks in