On Jan 30, 2012, at 8:07 PM, Eugene Gallagher wrote:
> How do you label Xtick and Ytick marks with Currency symbols: $2000
> instead of 2000? I would like to add dollar symbols to tickmarks on
> boxplots, histograms and back-to-back histograms.
> My Examples (requiring the lattice and Hmisc packages):
> data(case0102, package="Sleuth2")
> str(case0102)
> boxplot(Salary~Sex, case0102)
> histogram(~ Salary | Sex, data=case0102)
I didn't see the value in installing and loading a new package for
illustrating this task. Using the example in ?histogram should be
sufficient to demonstrate how to format axis labels for lattice plots:
histogram( ~ height | voice.part, data = singer, nint = 17,
endpoints = c(59.5, 76.5), layout = c(2,4), aspect = 1,
xlab = "Height (inches)")
> require(Hmisc)
> # out <- histbackback(split(case0102$Salary, case0102$Sex),
> probability=TRUE, xlim=c(-.001,.001),
> out <- histbackback(split(case0102$Salary, case0102$Sex),
> probability=FALSE, xlim=c(-30,30),
> main = 'Sleuth Case 1.2')
'histbackback' does not use lattice graphics, so refer to the code and
to ?axis
> #! just adding color
> barplot(-out$left, col="red" , horiz=TRUE, space=0, add=TRUE,
> axes=FALSE)
'barplot' is not a lattice function, either. You should look at ?axis.
> barplot(out$right, col="blue", horiz=TRUE, space=0, add=TRUE,
> axes=FALSE)
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Heritage Laboratories
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