similar to: Currency symbols in Xtick or Ytick labels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Currency symbols in Xtick or Ytick labels"

2009 Dec 08
histbackback function
Hi, I'm trying to recreate a sensitivity-specificity graph using the histbackback function. The only problem is that these graphs are typically drawn with vertical rather than horizontal bar plots (and the histbackback function only seems to work with horiz=TRUE argument, using "horiz=FALSE" doesn't work). Does anyone know if: 1) there's a different graphing function that
2008 Feb 17
filled.contour with log axis
Dear all, I would like to generate a filled.contour plot with log x and y axis, however using: filled.contour(as.line,log="xy") results in a warning message. Does anybody knos what to do? Thanks Thomas
2011 Nov 29
Hmisc break points error
I am making frequency histograms using the histbackback function on my 2 datasets. However when I try to use the brks function: foo<-histbackback(log(fie11), log(fie86),ylim=c(0,9),probability=FALSE,axes=TRUE,ylab=("log10 Parcel Size"),brks=16) The graphic results in a 'NA' label for the y axis (no intervals are returned) Also when I use 'summary(foo)' the
2007 Jun 26
ylab at the right hand of a plot with two y axes
When I try to plot two lines ( or scatterplots) with different scales, this is what I have been doing: Suppose: I have y1 and y2 in a very different scale y1 = 1:100 y2 = c(100:1)*10 To plot them on top of each other and denote by different colors: I have to figure out the correct scale '10' and corresponding tick.vector and lables. Then do: plot(1:100, y1) # I can have
2008 Apr 02
Two datasets on one histogram
I have two .txt files with lists of generated data I want to plot them on the same histogram. I'm aware of the histbackback function, but that is not really what I am looking for, I just want them on the same histogram but so they are still grouped separately (different colours, different norm curves etc). Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 13
SweaveListingUtils question
Hello, recently I read about the SweaveListingUtils package and now I want to try it out. However, I can not make it work... Below a minimal example. The problem seems to be the following line (generated by SweaveListingPreparations()?): \ifthenelse{\boolean{Sweave@gin}}{\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.6\textwidth}}{}% If I comment out this line, it works. What can I do about this? I am using the
2013 Sep 12
declaring package dependencies
I received the following email note re: the vcdExtra package > A vcd update has shown that packages TIMP and vcdExtra are not > declaring their dependence on colorspace/MASS: see > > But, I can't see what to do to avoid this, nor understand what has changed in R devel. Sure enough, CRAN now reports errors in
2007 Jan 16
histbackback function code needs a change with R 2.4.1 version (PR#9456)
Dear Author and Maintainer of Hmisc contributed package, Dear R developers, i noticed a problem with histbackback routine when i installed the last version of R (2.4.1) (With my previous version, 2.3.1, there was no such a problem) If, e.g., you simply edit the command > histbackback(rnorm(20), rnorm(30)) a warning message is printed on the console. Warning messages: 1: argument
2006 Jun 15
Histbackback and adding color
I am trying to plot two histograms using histbackback and then adding color to each of the samples. The code I have seen on the R graph gallery suggests the following method of using histbackback require(Hmisc) age <- rnorm(1000,50,10) sex <- sample(c('female','male'),1000,TRUE) out <- histbackback(split(age, sex), probability=TRUE, xlim=c(-.06,.06),
2001 Nov 15
I would want to know if it's possible to plot two histograms on the same graphic in order to compare the bins one to one, like a Excel graphic. If it is possible can you help me to do it, because I don't know the exact R-commands. Thanks for your help Damiano > > >Martin Maechler <maechler at> >Seminar fuer Statistik,
2010 May 27
4D Plot
Hello, I need some help with a 4D-Plot. Here is my code: Lab.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","turquoise","green","yellow","orange","red","violet"),space = "Lab") par(las=3,omi=c(0.8,0.1,0.1,0.1)) filled.contour(x,log10(y),log10(z=daten),col=Lab.palette(27),zlim =
2002 Mar 09
labels outside plotting region
Hello, I've just started R, and I'm getting a bit mad using it. I've managed to produce a barplot with the labels for the ytick marks placed horizontally (perpendicular to the y-axis) usiing par(las=1). The problem is that most of my labels are in part beyond the plotting area because they are rather long (e.g. "H. sapiens", "D. melanogaster" ...). What is the
2008 Jan 29
how do i creat multiple back to back histograms?
Een ingesloten tekst met niet-gespecificeerde tekenset is van het bericht gescrubt ... Naam: niet beschikbaar Url:
2006 Dec 27
plotting time series with zoo pckg
Hi all, I am using the zoo package to plot time series. I have a problem with formatting the axes. my zoo object (z) looks like the following. c1 1992-01-10 21 1992-01-17 34 1992-01-24 33 1992-01-31 41 1992-02-07 39 1992-02-14 38 1992-02-21 37 1992-02-28 28 1992-03-06 33 1992-03-13 40
2009 Oct 25
Datasets for "The Statistical Sleuth"
Hi everyone, I wonder if there already exists any R packages containing all the data sets for the book "The Statistical Sleuth" (; also available at StatLib I'm writing an R package with a friend for one of our stat courses where SAS is the main tool being used. As the time is limited and half of the
2006 Dec 15
Query regarding linking R with Matlab
Thank you sir for your prompt reply. Currently i am stuck at point where I need to call an available Matlab program from an R 2.4.0 interface. How can I do this? I have downloaded the R.matlab file and also the manual in pdf. But still i am not able to get through the problem. I will be grateful to you if you can elaborate me on this. Awaiting your reply, regards, Bhanu Kalyan K
2011 Sep 03
Change properties of line summary in interaction.plot
Is it possible to change the color/thickness of the summary line in an interaction.plot without changing the other individual data lines? I would like to make the line from the summary function (mean) the color red and thicker than the surrounding black lines. How can I do that? Here is a link to interaction.plot:
2007 Jan 29
Hmisc Version 3.1-2 uploaded to CRAN repository
Hmisc 3.1-2 has been uploaded to the CRAN incoming directory. Change log 3.2-1 1/25/2007: Hmisc function 'ecdf' has been renamed 'Ecdf' to deconflict it with the existing 'ecdf' function in base. Fixed Bug in format.df that would create numbers with many trailing zeros. Added arguments 'math.row.names' and
2007 Jan 29
Hmisc Version 3.1-2 uploaded to CRAN repository
Hmisc 3.1-2 has been uploaded to the CRAN incoming directory. Change log 3.2-1 1/25/2007: Hmisc function 'ecdf' has been renamed 'Ecdf' to deconflict it with the existing 'ecdf' function in base. Fixed Bug in format.df that would create numbers with many trailing zeros. Added arguments 'math.row.names' and
2006 Mar 13
bihistogram plots
Does anyone have code to plot bihistograms in R? See for a description of a bihistogram. -- Hal Varian voice: 510-643-4757 SIMS, 102 South Hall fax: 510-642-5814 University of California hal at Berkeley, CA 94720-4600