Hi, I've got a little problem using auto.arima. I run the following command auto.arima(drivers,ic="aic",d=1,D=1,max.order=10,max.p=5,max.q=5,max.P=5,max.Q=5,stepwise=FALSE,allowdrift=FALSE) and I get the following output : Series: drivers ARIMA(0,1,1)(5,1,1)[12] Coefficients: ma1 sar1 sar2 sar3 sar4 sar5 sma1 -0.6421 -0.1341 -0.2063 -0.1076 -0.2361 -0.2205 -0.7387 s.e. 0.0718 0.1273 0.1061 0.1063 0.0938 0.1029 0.1312 sigma^2 estimated as 16916: log likelihood=-1137.18 AIC=2290.37 AICc=2291.21 BIC=2315.87 So the fitted model has an AIC of 2290,37. But if I use the TRACE option, I see that R analysed models like ARIMA(5,1,1)(3,1,0)[12] : 2175.377 ARIMA(5,1,1)(3,1,1)[12] : 2176.402 ARIMA(5,1,1)(4,1,0)[12] : 2155.935 which obviously have an inferior AIC... Since R is supposed to choose the model minimizing the AIC criterion, I don't understand why he chose that model. Is there something I misunderstood in the behavior of auto.arima ? Thank in advance for any help... Ludovic -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/auto-arima-from-the-Forecast-package-tp4208430p4208430.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.