In the past week, working with Samba 3.0.23d and the Linux 2.6.20 kernel, I have observed something interesting about Samba and the utilization of multiple CPU cores. On a single Dual Core 3 Ghz Xeon machine, when I am hammering the Samba server with requests from many client machines, a variety of CPU utilization tools like Gkrellm and Qps show that CPU utilization is around 30+ percent on one core and only 1 to 2 percent on the other core. Qps shows that a single user's smbd process sometimes hops from one core to another (which would seem generally undesirable) but all smbd processes mostly spend their time on CPU 0. When I put a second identical CPU on the same motherboard with the same kernel, the CPU utilization tools show that smbd processes are evenly spread out among all 4 cores. There is a little shifting of smbd processes from one core to another, but for most of the time the various smbd process each stay on particular cores. CPU utilizaton shows that each core is at around 8-12 percent. Under both scenarios -- one or two physical CPUs -- I am using the same VERY BIG RAID subsystem and I am running the same test from the same group of workstations. I have replicated my results on multiple identical servers so I can't explain the results based on any defect in the hardware. Does anybody have a good explanation as to why smbd seems to more fully utilize multiple cores when there are two physical dual core CPUs in the system versus when there is just one physical dual core CPU? In theory, if CPU utilization is only at 30-40 percent with a single physical CPU, is it better to stay on just one core? And would that mean that something suboptimal is happening when there are two physical CPUs? BTW, my kernel is compiled with options "optimized for Core 2/Dual Core Xeons" and with SMP support for Dual Core (versus HT). Good insights would be appreciated. Andy