This doesn't look like a Samba problem. It's CUPS, who can't send
job to the printer.
To me, it looks like either your print server (network printer) does not
support IPP printer or the printer-URI is not set up correctly.
Some my have the format "<hostname>/ipp/lp0" or
"<hostname>/printers/<queuename>" or whatsoever.
You can check this out by printing directly from linux to the printer
using either "lp" from the CUPS tools or the ipp backend itself.
Ezlak schrieb:> Hi!
> I have Samba version 3.0.10-1.4E.9 installed and CUPS v1.1.22rc1. the
> network printer is Xerox WorkCentre 4150. Once in a while (about every
> 20-30 jobs) i get an error
> I [23/May/2007:08:55:28 -0500] Adding start banner page "none" to
> 165.
> I [23/May/2007:08:55:28 -0500] Adding end banner page "none" to
> 165.
> I [23/May/2007:08:55:28 -0500] Job 165 queued on 'Xerox' by
> 'mezlakowski'.
> I [23/May/2007:08:55:28 -0500] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/
> ipp (PID 5755) for job 165.
> E [23/May/2007:08:55:29 -0500] [Job 165] Print file was not accepted
> (server-error-not-accepting-jobs)!
> E [23/May/2007:08:55:29 -0500] PID 5755 stopped with status 1!
> I [23/May/2007:08:55:29 -0500] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
> "debug" to find out more.
> I [23/May/2007:08:55:29 -0500] Saving printers.conf...
> and the printer stops printing. I have to stop the printer, reject all
> jobs, accept them and then start the printer again to print the
> documents which is pretty annoying. I'm new to Samba, I was trying to
> find the solution online and in the documentation but nothing seems
> right.
> I would appreciate any help
> Mateusz
Martin Zielinski mz@seh.de
Software Development
SEH Computertechnik GmbH www.seh.de